Chapter 35

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It had been a while since I had last seen Analissa. Even though the king permitted for me to stay within the castle until my recovery was complete, it was almost impossible to spot her.

I had a feeling that she was hiding from everyone, maybe she felt uneasy being around so many people who judge her rather than compliment her bravery.

I walked along the corridors with Elucia who was advised to never leave my side. She keeps her head low and her wings covered by her own cloak.

"Elucia, maybe we should go to the courtyard? I heard it's beautiful. Maybe you can even paint and ease your mind?"

Her head slowly rises, "You know of my painting?" She seemed genuinely suprised. "Oh Analissa told me that you were an exquisite artist." A light smile appears on her face at the mention of her sister's name.

"Why not, might as well have some fun." I lead her around to the entrance of the courtyard. As we make our way down the stairs I notice a figure standing near the entrance, we both stop in our tracks when we see Analissa walk towards him.

"Is that the king? And Analissa?" I squint my eyes to get a better look at their conversation.

They're talking happily for a full ten seconds before Analissa's words change his expression. They exchange a few words before Zarioss grabs her hand and leads her out of the courtyard, his face looking distressed.

"Odd. I thought that she'd hate him after what he tried to do to her." I turned to Elucia who had her arms crossed. "What do you mean?" We both begin to walk down the stairs once more.

"When I arrived to ..erm... take her back home.. I found out that he had given her a rose with a love spell to her. I was furious at the moment but I kept it as collateral to turn her against them.

Strange thing was that the spell had not being activated. Maybe he didn't have it in him to betray her like that.. Nevertheless, I know that she will make the right decision on who to accompany her."

The rest of the day went by swiftly. Elucia enjoyed the few hours she spent painting, it was as if a fire had been lit inside her. Her focus had been only to create a masterpiece, which she did achieve.

I sat by myself in a dimly lit room, staring at a book. I had been trying to read this page for the past few minutes but my mind was elsewhere, not within the world that this book created. My mind didn't seem to want to function properly, all it wanted to do was bring back the dark memoires of living in that dungeon.

"Are you alright? You seem stressed." My eyes avert from the book towards the Analissa, who had taken a seat before me. "Oh, I did not see you there. I'm sorry." She smile lightly and relaxes, "It's quite alright, I didn't mean to disturb you but you seem quite distracted yourself, is something the matter?" Her smile radiates the dark room, there's some kind of glow to it that makes me feel calm and collected, as if nothing else is visible but her and her alone.

"Dominic?" Her voice cuts in. "Oh um.. no it's nothing too big, just my mind playing tricks on me..."

A brief silence falls between us. She nervously tucks her hands under her thighs as if her hands are cold. "I have something to tell you, and it's something that I will regret for the next few years but I believe this was the right choice." I keep the book beside me and lean closer to her, she diverts her eyes towards the ground and twirls her fingers.

"What's wrong princess?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"I'm marrying the King."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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