Chapter 27

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Only two hours had passed since she left. I couldn't help but wonder about how i kept a straight face when she walked in here looking like a goddess. The only reason I bent on my knees was to show that only she could do so to me.

The dress hugged her body beautifully. Silk was made to be worn by her. Those eyes, their light brown nature reminded me of spring. And how her hair was decorated with pearls. Everything about her made me want to worship her.

I pledged to myself to make sure that nothing harms her in anyway. It is my duty from now forth.

A few footsteps came running down into the cellar. I was soon surrounded by guards. One of them took a key and unlocked the chains keeping me still. Two other quickly jumped on to me keeping me from moving.

"Where are we off to chaps?" No reply, okay then.

We ascended up the stairs and into a room with glowing lights beaming through. Just as the door opened I was met with an unforgiving sight.

Analissa was sitting still her hands strapped to a machine as she showed no emotion. Beside her stood Adam and Elucia. I studied their faces. Elucia seemed unhappy while Adam grinned.

"Ah Dominic! How nice of you to make an acquaintance with us. Come come sit down." A guard shoved his foot onto my back making me fall to the floor. Adam walked over and grabbed me by my hair and pulled my head upwards. I glanced over at Analissa. Nothing, no movement at all. "What did you do to her?" He laughed and pushed me so that I would be on my knees.

"Oh she is just under a spell. She cannot move nor talk unless I ask of her. Speaking of which. Doctor Gale please remove the straps on my daughter, I want to see her play some tricks here on Dominic." His sinister smile haunts me still. The way his lips curled up showing no compassion.

A woman walked over to Analissa and removed the straps. Adam motioned for her to move towards him and she did so, not uttering a word.

"You know, she informed me of your little plan, you thought she could take my soul? Ha! It was preposterous. My dear why don't you burn off those disgusting wings of his? He won't need them as he will be dead in the next few minutes anyway.

Analissa slowly crept towards me. I could see that she was trying to fight it. She stopped before me, summoning an illusion gate.

Nothing happened next. She just stood there silently. Adam looked at her. "Darling, please be my guest?" No reply once more. Her lips twitched the slightest. "N...o." The word was nothing but a whisper, but I knew he heard it when I saw the bewilderment in his eyes.

His eyes lit up with fury soon afterwards. "Sit back down! You will become the dark angel whether you want to or not! You will become what your mother refused or I will make sure you end up just like her!"

His words cut through my ears like a blade. So it was him who did it. He was behind it after all this time. I glanced over to a confused Elucia. Her eyes full of tears she moved closer to her father.

"It was you..? You.. you killed mother?"

He turned towards her laughing hysterically. "Oh my naive princess. She disobeyed me. Told me that she cannot leave her kind and would remain with me as a fairy. She disobeyed me!" Tears began flowing down her cheeks.

"She didn't belong to you! She was her own person who loved you! She loved you and you hurt her! You are not my father but a madman who should be locked up!" She raised her crackling voice as more tears dispersed.

Adam raised his hand but she didn't even flinch. Sighing he looked over to Analissa who was being contained by the doctors. "The spell is wearing off, strap her in we begin now." I watched them helplessly as they strapped Analissa on the the chair. I could see in her eyes that she was trying to fight it.

Adam turned to his other daughter. "As she has decided to disobey me, she will be our extractor. Strap her in as well." His words took everyone by surprise.

Elucia suddenly overwhelmed with fear stepped back away from her father. A doctor clearly taken aback by his decision spoke, "But sire, your daughter? She will be powerless forever."

A smile forms on the lip of his lips. Just pure evil, no love, no feeling no nothong. "We begin now, strap her in."

Fairies And Angels: Violet WingsWhere stories live. Discover now