Chapter 01

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Two weeks before the coronation.

A continuous knock on the door wakes me up from my dreams. "Analissa! Wake up!" I groan at the sound of the voice and pull my blanket to the top of my head and close my eyes. "Ally! You've been asleep for too long! Everyone is wondering where you are, I can't just tell them that you're asleep, get up!" The knocking continues. My mind is telling me to answer the door but my heart is telling me to play dead.

Suddenly I hear the door fling open, the sound of an angered girl with her clicking heels ready to murder me rushes towards my comfy bed. I act as if I'm asleep to ward away this evil. The click of the heels sounds one last time. I know she is standing right beside me.
"Ally you are not fooling anyone. I know you are awake, now get up before I remove that blanket and pour water all over you." She demands. I groan once more and roll over to her direction. "Simone please, I'm tired. I promise I will be ready within the next hour if you let me sleep for another ten minutes" I smile timidly at my best friend Simone Francesca who's face is redder than an angry bull. I sigh with defeat. "Alright I will get up."

After lazing around the bed for a few minutes I get up and walk to the bath room. It had been a while since I had been able relax like this. I stand in front of the mirror. My once light brown skin had gotten darker after much practise in the sun. My hair had always been slow to grow so it did not seem different to me. Still dark like the night sky. I look at myself and smile. "I feel good today. It's nice to have a day off even if it is for half the day." I mumble to myself.

After a few minutes I change into my uniform. My sword, well polished and sharpened waits for me by the door. After retrieving it I place my palm on the box like scanner next to the door. The large blue doors slide open, and I suddenly notice someone heading my direction.

I smile and bow my head as I notice that it is his Lordship Liam. The King's most trusted advisor and the Prince's best friend. Many say that he became an advisor due to the influence of the prince but I myself believe that he is quite talented in making good choices. He halts in front of me, with a serious impression on his face. "General Graferi, we must speak. May we go to a more private area?" This was unnatural behavior of him to be serious but I nod my head and begin walking to my room as he follows behind.

Fairies And Angels: Violet WingsWhere stories live. Discover now