Chapter 1

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Whitney gave a sigh of relief as she sat down on her bed. It was a Friday and another school week had ended. It was also Valentine's Day and she again had no boyfriend to share it with. In school, everyone seemed to have someone but her. It didn't matter though, if a guy did like her she'd turn him down anyway. She loved Taylor Hanson so much and held him up so high that no one could compare to him.

She was a senior and couldn't wait to graduate. She was moving back to the town she was born in: Tulsa, Oklahoma, to go to college. She had moved when her mother had got a job in California back in 1996. But now, she was going back to her roots.

She had met Taylor and his brothers many times before, starting back in 1991. They were playing small gigs and she had loved them all right off. She was only seven when she met Taylor for the first time, but had developed a crush on him all the same. Of course, that was back when he didn't like girls except to play with them. Dating was so far off his mind.

She finally realized that she had fallen deep for that boy when she was eleven. She had suspected she had loved him for quite some time, but what does a child know about love?

She had hung with Taylor and Ike and Zac many times over those years. She was at all of their shows and they remembered her. And a friendship was just beginning to form.

But then, to her unhappiness, in March 1996, five days after Taylor's thirteenth birthday, she had to move halfway across the United States. She said goodbye to the Hanson brothers that day. They said they'd keep in touch, but they never did. She tried to get in touch with them when they came to California to record their third album, Middle of Nowhere. But California is such a big state and money was tight for her family, so she let it go.

So Whitney grew up loving Taylor from afar. With the hope that one day, when they finally met again, he'd remember her from those long ago days and fall in love with her and everything would be happily ever after for them.

But that wasn't the way things would be. And slowly she knew that. Millions of girls said they "loved" him and she came to understand that, maybe back in the lost days of their childhood he would've believed her. But now he'd just think it was a crush.

So she resigned herself to hoping that he'd at least remember her and maybe they could build the friendship they had missed out on when she was forced to leave him and his brothers that fateful day over half a decade ago.

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