Chapter 34

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"Alright Whitney, one more deep breath, and PUSH," Dr. Shaffer said, from her position at the end of Whitney's bed. She was holding the second baby's, Andrea's, head.

She pushed while gripping Taylor's, who was counting, and Zac's hands. "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!"

"Ten," Tay said.

Whitney collapsed back on the bed. She was totally exhausted. Sweat was pouring out of her, and she was tired in places of her body that she didn't know could be tired.

Dr. Shaffer held up the baby girl for all to see, then took it over to be cleaned up.

Zac smoothed the hair back from her forehead,"You did great Whitney."

Taylor, who was running his thumb across the top of her hand, agreed,"Yeah, you did really awesome." He smiled down at her.

She gave a tired smile,"Thanks. God, I can't believe how much pain is involved. I'm so tired."

"Well, you just rest," Ike said, coming back in the room,"You earned it."

"How's your hand doing Ike?" Zac asked.

He held up his left hand, which had a white bandage wrapped around it,"Ah, it's nothing. Just a bit bruised and sore. Doctor says it should be fine in a week and a half tops."

Whitney got a sheepish look on her face,"I'm sorry Ike. I didn't mean to squeeze your hand THAT hard."

He smiled down at her,"Don't worry about it. I'm fine. How are you doing?"

Just then, Andrea and Adam, who had calmed down after the tiresome work of being born, proved once again that they had powerful lungs.

"Oh," Whitney said, with a smile, looking over at her and Tay's babies,"I just got a lot better."

All three brothers grinned. "Glad to hear it," Ike replied, kissing her on her forehead.

Dr. Shaffer and one of the nurses brought the newly-born babies over, and laid one in each of Whitney's arms.

"We'll let you guys alone for a couple minutes," Dr. Shaffer said. Then she and everyone, but Hanson and Whitney, left.

They all just stared down at these bundles of joy. Then Whitney's arms got tired, and she was still exhausted, so Tay picked up Adam, and cradled him against his chest. "Our beautiful baby boy," Tay said, looking down at his son.

"Can I hold Andrea?" Zac asked Whitney.

She nodded,"Sure ya can."

Zac carefully picked up the little girl. "Wow," he said, looking from Andrea to Adam,"they both have Tay's blue eyes, and your brown hair." Each baby had the most amazing blue eyes, and dark curly hair. The only difference was, Andrea had a little more hair, and hers were in little ringlets.

"They're perfect," Ike said, watching this scene.

"I agree," Tay replied, totally enthralled with the baby boy in his arms.

Whitney watched Tay. She was totally happy at this moment in time.

When everyone got a chance to hold each baby, a nurse came back in with two cribs, to take them to the nursery.

Whitney fell asleep a couple minutes after.

As the three brothers walked outside to Tay's car, Ike asked,"So, Tay. Do you regret claiming them as yours?"

Tay shook his head,"Nope. Not one bit. I love them so much. I want everyone to know."

Zac suddenly spoke up,"Tay, do you love Whitney?" he asked what had been swimming around in his mind.

Tay's younger and older brothers looked at him expectantly. He sighed,"Not in the way she loves me," he said sadly," and now I know, I never will."

Ike and Zac put their arms around their brother, trying to comfort him. "It'll be okay," Ike said,"No matter what, you and her will always have Adam and Andrea now."

"Yeah, and you gave her something really special Tay," Zac put in.

"I know," he said, running his fingers through his greasy hair,"I..I just wish..I..could love her, and give her that gift too."

Ike stuck the key in the driver's side, to unlock it, then pressed the button to unlock the other doors. He stood back up and looked at his younger brother, who looked way older than he was.

His eyes had lost the blue sparkle, he had worry lines around them, and he just looked genuinely tired. "Everything will work out Tay," he said, quietly,"you'll see."

Tay looked at him sadly,"I hope so."

Then they all climbed in the car and drove back to Tay's place.

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