Chapter 7

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Whitney came home from visiting Julie. She was way too tired to check her e-mail. So she changed into her nightclothes and climbed into bed. She fell into a deep sleep.
Taylor woke up in the middle of the night. He had that dream again. Only this time he knew who the girl was that was crying.

He sighed and sat up in his bed in thought for a couple minutes. "Don't worry Whitney," He whispered into the darkness,"I'll find a way to stop those tears." Then he laid back down and fell back asleep.
Whitney was wide awake. One second she had been asleep and all of a sudden she found herself staring up at her ceiling. She could've sworn she'd heard Taylor's voice telling her not to worry. "I'm going crazy," she said to herself,"hearing his voice when he's nowhere around." She felt a wave of sadness overcome her. She gripped the edges of her bed until it passed, then slowly rolled over onto her side and fell into a dreamless sleep.
The next morning Tay woke up and stretched in his bed. His dreams last night were filled of memories of Whitney. He now remembered her so vividly, as if he had just hung out with her yesterday instead of five years ago. He was eager to see if she had replied to his e-mail, so he logged onto his official name and checked his inbox. Nothing from her. He sighed. "Get a grip Taylor," he said to himself,"what are you getting so hyped up over? She'll reply eventually."

He shut down the computer and went downstairs to find some breakfast. It was still early and he was the only one up at the moment. Not finding anything particularly interesting to eat, he made his way back upstairs where he slumped back down onto his unmade bed. He glanced over at Isaac's nightstand and saw a piece of paper sitting on the top. He leaned over and saw it had Whitney's e-mail address and phone number written on it. Ike had given him Whitney's e-mail but not the other. He pulled out a piece of paper from the notebook sitting on his own nightstand and quickly scribbled down the numbers, then he grabbed for his cell phone. After taking the time to slip on a pair of jeans and a shirt, he walked downstairs and outside onto their back porch. He sat down on the porch swing and dialed. He knew it was early but he wanted, needed, to talk to her.
Whitney's phone rang while she was eating breakfast. She had forty-five minutes before she had to leave for school. She picked the receiver up off the cradle and answered,"Hello?" She wondered who would be calling at such an early hour.

"Uh, is Whitney there?" came a very familiar voice. Whitney almost dropped the phone.

"That's me," she said, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Hey, uh, this is Taylor Hanson," he said hesitantly.

Whitney took a deep breath and replied,"Hey Taylor. Didn't expect to get a call from you."

He half laughed,"I'm full of surprises."

Whitney smiled and laughed,"So what do I owe to the honor of this call?"

She could feel him grin,"Well, Ike told me about you and that you need to talk to me, in person. So I was just calling to see when we can get together."

"Well, I know you're busy, so whenever is convenient for you."

"We're due for a break in a two and a half weeks. I'll come see you then."

"But that's your birthday. Don't you want to spend it with your family?"

Taylor shrugged,"It's okay. Besides Ike said it was important what we need to talk about. It's no big deal not being there for my birthday."

"It is important. But are you sure? I don't want your family to hate me for taking you away for your birthday."

Taylor chuckled,"They won't hate you. They're not like that. They don't judge until they get to know someone."

"Oh I didn't mean it to sound like I thought they were mean," Whitney said quickly,"I respect them."

"I didn't take it that you didn't like them or anything. Calm down Whitney," Taylor laughed.

Whitney took a deep breath,"Sorry. I just didn't want us start off badly."

"I understand. But really it's alright. I'll call you or e-mail you and let you know exactly when I'm coming. I'll probably bring Ike and Zac with me. I have to go though. Everyone's getting up and I need to go get some breakfast before it's all gone."

It was Whitney's turn to laugh,"Okay. Talk to you later."

"Bye Whitney."

"Bye Tay."


Whitney leaned back against the couch and sighed dreamily. Although something was lurking in the back of her mind. Remember, it said, he won't love you.

She drearily finished getting ready for school and walked out to her car.

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