Chapter 36

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Taylor stayed for two weeks, and even when he went back to his own place, he was over at Whitney's pretty much everyday. If he wasn't at the studio, that's where you would find the devoted father.

A month after he went back to his own place, Whitney had a scheduled check-up appointment for the twins. Taylor had to be at the studio that particular day because they were putting the finishing touches on a song, and they had a deadline.

So, after he helped her set the twins in their car seats and waved her off, he headed to the studio.

An hour later, the phone at the studio rang. Taylor, Ike, and Zac were taking a short break. Tay picked up on the third ring.


"Hello. May I please speak to Taylor Hanson?" an unfamiliar voice asked.

"That's me."

"Mr. Hanson, this is Cynthia from Tulsa Medical Hospital. I'm afraid there's been an accident."

"What?!" Terrible things were running through his mind, but none as terrible as what she said next.

"Whitney Katara and her two babies were in a car accident. We see you are listed as the father, so we thought you should be called."

"Are they alright?!"

"I can't divulge that information over the phone. However, Dr. Constello will answer any questions you may have if you would come down here."

"Alright, I'm on my way. Thanks."

He slammed the phone down and had an arm in his jacket on his way to his car, before either of his brothers could catch up with him.

"Tay man slow down!" Zac ran up next to him.

They reached the car. "Yeah man, why the sudden hurry?" Ike added.

Tay glanced up as he shoved the key in the lock and turned it,"Whitney, Adam, and Andrea have been in an accident. They're at the hospital." Then he swung open the door and climbed in.

Right as he shut it, Ike said and he and Zac scrambled to open the car doors,"We're coming with you."

Ike ran around to the passenger's side  and Zac jumped in the back.

Tay was doing seventy all the way to the hospital and surprisingly he didn't get pulled over.

All three brothers practically flew inside the second the car was parked.

They all slammed to a halt at the information desk.

"Whitney Katara," Tay said to the lady behind it.

"She is in ICU. Are you a family member?"

"I'm the father of the two children that was with her."

"And them?" she said, eying Ike and Zac.

"They're...the babies' uncles."

"Alright. Down the hall make a left, go straight, you'll see the ICU."

"Thank you," Tay replied, and they were off again.

After inquiring again about Whitney, they were told to wait in the specific area for it, and that the doctor caring for Whitney would be out.

It seemed like hours before the doctor came. Tay must've looked at his watch a hundred times.

They all stood up as he approached. "Hello," he said pleasantly, extending his hand to Taylor,"I'm Dr. Constello."

"Taylor Hanson," he replied shaking the doctor's hand,"and this is Isaac and Zac."

"Nice to meet you all. Now I'm sure you'd like to know how Whitney is doing, as well as Adam and Andrea."


"Well, you see, Adam and Andrea are fine. A couple small scrapes, but otherwise just fine."

All three brothers let out sighs of relief.

"However, Whitney wasn't so lucky."

They all held their breath again.

"She sustained a lot of head trauma and I don't expect her to make it."

Taylor collapsed back into the chair he had been sitting in before.

"Are..are you sure?" Zac asked, just as devastated.

Dr. Constello nodded,"You can talk to her. I'm not saying if it'll do any good or not, but I suppose it's worth a try. I'm sorry."

He led the way into Whitney's curtained off room.  The twins were in a little crib with a nurse watching over them.

Ike and Zac exchanged looks and then quietly walked back out to give their brother some time alone with Whitney.

Tay squeezed her hand. "Please Whitney," his voice was scratchy,"don't leave me and our children. Don't leave Ike and Zac and everyone that cares about you so much." A tear slid of his eye and down onto her hand.

Ike and Zac came back in a couple minutes later to the site of their brother sitting in the chair next to Whitney's bed, crying like a baby.

Please Whitney come back to us. We need you so much. Tay needs you, Zac prayed silently.

Then all of a sudden, the monitor keeping track of her heart flat lined.

Dr. Constello and several others ran in. They were all set to jump start her heart.

"Wait," Tay said calmly, now dry eyed. They all looked at him. "Don't. She isn't going to come back. Just let her rest in peace." His eyes were distant.

Ike and Zac stared at them wide-eyed and open mouthed.

Everyone slowly filed out, now that they were not needed.

As Dr. Constello walked past, he said,"I'll give you a little bit."

Tay just nodded.

As soon as he was gone, Ike and Zac started yelling.

"Are you out of your mind?!"

"Why didn't you let them jump her heart?!"

"Because Whitney said she isn't going to come back. Her body is too damaged. She wouldn't be the same if she did. Too much brain damage."

His brothers looked at where his eyes were focusing, and suddenly they could see what he was seeing. Whitney, in white, smiling. "I love you guys. Take care of my babies, or I'll come after ya." Then she faded out.

Taylor checked out Adam and Andrea and took them home.

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