Chapter 4

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Whitney was doing her English homework when the phone rang. She picked up the receiver," Hello?"

"Hey Whitney!" came her best friend, Julie's voice,"What's up?"

"Hey Jules. I'm just doing homework."

"Ugh. I just finished mine."

"Yeah well, I'm almost done."

"So has Ike called you again?"

"Nope. I really didn't expect him to."

"Why not?"

"Well, first of all I'm sure he's busy. Second of all he doesn't really know me. And third of all if he was serious of keeping in touch, I would've heard from him by now. It's been almost a month since we talked."

"Oh," Julie was disappointed.

" should forget about Ike. Your life would be so much easier," Whitney said.

Julie sighed,"But I love him. Just as you love Tay."

"Yes, I know. I'm just trying to save your heart."

"I know. And thanks. But it's no use."

"I kind of figured that," Whitney smiled a bit.

There was a silence, then Julie said,"Hey! Hey! I didn't call you to have a depressing conversation."

Whitney laughed,"We are depressing aren't we?"

"Yeppers! I actually wanted to know if your part of the birthday plans are done."

"Yes they are. Guess how many people are coming?"

"Uh....a thousand," Julie joked.

Whitney rolled her eyes,"I wish. But hey, we got twenty-five counting you and me."

"Woo hoo! We are gonna have SO much fun!"

"Now if only the birthday boy himself could be there," Whitney said wistfully.

"Now don't start to get down," Julie scolded,"I'm sure he'd be there if he could."

"And if he even knew about it,"Whitney said glumly.

"Well, that's something you can fix. E-mail him at his name and tell him about it."
"Oh yeah, like he'd actually come."

"Well if he doesn't then at least you know that you tried to get him to come," Julie countered.

"Maybe I will then. I better go Jules. I have to finish this stupid homework then maybe I'll go online. I have to check something anyway."

Ok girl. See ya tomorrow in school."

"K. Bye."


The something Whitney had to check was that address. She had never searched for it before. She had never told Julie about her dream, because she wanted it to be all herself.

Right as she got done with her homework, the phone rang.


"Hey, is this Whitney?"

"Yes it is."

"This is Ike."

"Oh, hi. I didn't expect to hear from you."

"Yeah, I meant to get back to you sooner. So much has been going on. I didn't even get a chance to ask Zac and Tay if they remember you. We're just on a break and I wanted to call you and let you know that I didn't forget about you," Ike explained.

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