Chapter 27

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Whitney made an appointment for a week later to go to the doctor, just to be sure and to get information on pregnancy. Tay went with her. He felt he had to, but he actually did want to go. He didn't want Whitney to go alone, and he made a promise silently to her that he'd come with her to as many of her appointments as he could.

They sat in the waiting room. Whitney was fidgety. Tay found himself to be just as bad. After all, sometimes those tests from the store are wrong. So there was still a chance that she wasn't pregnant.

Three times, he thought, she has got to be pregnant.

But still, he knew there was always that possibility.

"Whitney Katara," the nurse called from a door.

Whitney and Tay got up and walked over to the nurse. She led them through the door and down a hall with doors on each side along the way. Halfway down, she stopped,"Here you go."

As Whitney and Tay walked in, the nurse looked over the folder she had in her hand. "Alright, so you're here to see if you're pregnant. You said you had taken a home pregnancy test and it turned up positive?"


"Ok then, Dr. Shaffer will be in soon. If you are, she will do a check-up on you and give you information," she looked through the papers in the folder again, then walked out, and shut the door most of the way.

Tay reached over and took Whitney's hand, he found himself doing that a lot lately, giving her support.

A couple minutes later the doctor came in.

"Hello, she said, smiling,"I'm Dr. Shaffer."

"Hi, I'm Whitney, and this is Tay."

"Is he the father?" she asked bluntly.

Tay and Whitney exchanged looks. "Uh, no, he's just here for support."

Tay silently thanked Whitney.

Dr. Shaffer looked over the papers in Whitney's folder and asked,"When did you take the home pregnancy test?"

"A week ago."

"When do you assume was the time you conceived the baby?"

"Uh, about 3 weeks ago."

Dr. Shaffer wrote down stuff as Whitney answered her questions.

"Ok, we'll get you a test."

The doctor walked out of the room and returned.

Whitney did the test and Dr. Shaffer carried it out to get the results.

She came back a couple minutes later, smiling,"Congratulations."

A huge smile spread across Whitney's face and she hugged Tay.

The doctor gave them a minute and then said,"Let's get you in a gown you so I can check you over." She pulled one out from a cupboard below the examining table, handed it to Whitney, and walked out.

Whitney thought it'd be awkward to change in front of Tay, but it wasn't. After all, he had already seen her naked.

Dr. Shaffer came back in,"Hop up on the table."

She checked Whitney over, "Everything seems to fine. However, I can't tell much because it's so early in the pregnancy. While you get dressed, I go get you some pamphlets and information on pregnancy."

She came back a couple minutes later carrying a bunch of stuff.

She explained each.

"There are also many books you could buy, if you wish to, that would be of help," she finished up. She stood up, as did Tay and Whitney. "Make an appointment for two months from now, and I'll see you then."

"Alright, thank you."

She made an appointment for September 28 .

As they walked back to Tay's car, he said,"Thanks."

"You're welcome," she knew what he meant.

They got in the car and drove to Ike's place, where Zac was also. Whitney had promised to visit them after her appointment that day.

When they got there, Zac threw open the door and was down the sidewalk to give Whitney a big hug as soon as she got out of the car.

He could always put a smile on her face,she hugged him back,"Hey Zac. Long time no see."

Ike stood on the porch as they all walked up. "Hey Whitney, I kind of figured you and Tay were here when I saw Zac running out the door."

She laughed,"Yep."

They went inside and sat down in the living room; Whitney and Zac on the couch, and Tay and Ike in chairs nearby.

"So how did it go?" Ike asked.

"I am officially going to be a mother," she said happily, another smile spreading across her face.

Zac and Ike broke into grins,"That's awesome," Zac replied.

"I know, it's amazing. I still kinda can't believe it."

:"Oh, you'll start believing it when your stomach starts to get round," Ike laughed.

"Yeah, so we'd better make sure you do all the things you won't be able to," Zac teased.

"Oh boy, I'll definitely be busy then," she laughed.

They talked for awhile more and then Tay took her home.

In the car, Whitney asked,"Tay? You didn't say much..what's wrong?"

"I, uh, nothing. I just guess I got a lot on my mind."


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