chapter 4:jerks and bets✔

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"What is that" Bryan asked trying to look at my hand.

"Nothing, I just need to go to the bathroom" I didn't wait for his reply I just ran off to the bathroom and rinsed my mouth only for more blood to come out ,what the hell I thought before I quickly text sydney telling her that I had an emergency and that she should meet me in the ladies room. I kept on coughing and more blood kept coming out of my mouth.

"OH MY GOD" sydney screamed when she saw me.

"Are you okay, why are you coughing up blood" she was freaking out.

"Hey I am alright and I've stopped coughing" I said to her reassuringly

"I think we should take you to the hospital infact I'll call the-"

I cut her off there "sydney you will do no such thing and we shall not speak of this again." I said in an imitation of a mother scolding her child.


"No buts" I rinsed my mouth once again to get the taste of blood out of my mouth,and soon I was ready to go home.

I went home with Sydney since there was no bus available. I walked in and standing there was the person I least expected.


I was so shocked because I never really see my mom,even when she comes home her eyes are always glued to her laptop and we rarely ever talk, just simple pleasantries.

"Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for but I guess it will do" she said.

"What are you doing here" did that sound mean.

"Can't a mother visit her daughter" she asked.

"Am sorry,i didnt really mean it like that,i guess am just really suprised to see you in the middle of October because normally you are out training your models"

"I understand honey,actually I have a request for you" so she didn't come because of me she only came with a request for me,that makes sense right?

"What request" I tried to hide the hurt in my words but it ended up coming out strained. Her phone rang and she quickly picked it up, possibly forgetting that I was right in front of her.

"Hello Cole....... really........of course I'll tell him" she probably remembered that I was still standing there waiting for her reply so she mouths 'I'll tell you after dinner' to me and walks off to the dinning room.

Can't she see that I am desperate for her and dads attention, they happen to care more about Cole than me ,he has always been the family's favorite and he always gets there attention ,once there was a race and I was participating, but no one came to see me because they had to pick Cole up at the airport when they could have just sent one of my dads assistants ,but still they left me there and when I got home they started to apologize ,all I could say was 'by the way I won' holding out my medal .

"No I'm certainly not doing it" I said to my mom

"Honey please"

When dinner was over I learnt that my mom's 'request' was for me to become one of her models and wear one of her designs, just for a day though.

"Mom there is no way am doing it,I can't be your model"

"It's only for a day" she tried to reason with me but I just kept on refusing.

"Okay tell you what,if you do it I'll come to your race next week"
She said.

"How do you know about the race" I queried

She brought out a flier from the front pocket of her jeans. "I happen to have found this on the floor of your room." It must have fallen out of my bag. Although I already signed up for the race this morning.

"Fine I'll do it" I said. I mean what other choice do I have,this is what I always wanted for my family to be there for me and for them to also support me.

"Yay" my mum actually squealed I guess she's really happy.
I started taking the whole acting thing seriously now that I'm sure that while acting I and Bryan are good but outside that we remain archenemies.

I head over to the theater where I've been spending my most of my time ,we have started practicing with the other characters as well.

When I got to the theater I met Bryan there already rehearsing with the others,I guess I'm the only one that's late.


"Man what going on with you and Ms goody two shoes" that was Josh my best friend talking,and at that time I already knew he was talking about Maddie.

"Nothing,you know I'm better than that" I told him sincerely,while working on the play I realised that Maddie is really cool and she's also a great actress but that doesn't mean I consider her my friend in any way.

Then Zach walks in, my other friend

"What are you guys talking about " he asked

"Oh nothing really ,we were just talking about Maddie and Bryan's current relationship" Josh told him.

"There is no relationship between us" I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh yeah I noticed too ,but I know someone like Maddie can never fall for him ,she loathes him,she might be a rich bitch,but I doubt that she will ever like Bryan" wait,what does he mean by that.

"Hey I'm still standing right here" I said

"We know" they said in unison.

"But our point is that she can never fall you" Josh said smirking.

"And what if she does fall me" I said thinking out loud

"What are you saying man" Josh said looking serious.

"I am going to make Maddie Thompson fall for me" I told Zach and Josh confidently.

"Okay then,here's the challenge " zach said "if you make maddie fall for you under 3 months I'll make my self your servant for 3 months and if you don't you'll be mine" we shaked on it and continued to rehearse our lines.

Oh well Maddison Thompson. There's a storm coming and its going to knock you off your feet and make you fall for me. I thought.

What jerks,who are they to bet on maddie and for something that cheap , lol I forgot that they are my characters.

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