chapter 23 : My meds make me grumpy ✔

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"What are you doing here"

"Aren't you the same guy that made my sister think of getting drunk the other day, which if I remember correctly landed her in the hospital for weeks" cole asked Bryan sounding very angry.

"I-" Bryan was about to explain himself but my brother cut him off instantly.

" keep your explanation to yourself and get out of my house, if possible get lost as well, all I know is that I don't want to see you around Maddie again and if I see you around her, I am going to do something drastic, you got that? now leave" cole told him.

When I looked at Bryan, he seemed defeated and ashamed, eventually he left saying something that I couldn't really make out.

"Cole, why did you have to do that, this is also my house you know, I have the same rights that you have in this house, you just can't yell at the people that I invite over and tell them to get out" I told him equally pissed.

"Oh forgive me for caring about my little sister, and for trying to protect her from another possible heartbreak, what did you expect me to do, give him a pat on his back and ask about how is family is doing, after knowing all he that did to you" he asked me now yelling.

"He apologized you know,and I believe him, even though we are back to the friend phase and we aren't doing anything serious, I also know that I shouldn't trust him easily yet, so please leave me alone to sort my own issues okay" I told him a little bit calmer.

"I know that I shouldn't interfere, but I just can't help myself, but if you're sure that you know what you're doing then, I will leave you to sort things out, but don't expect me to accept him that easily, and also know that if he hurts you again, I won't listen to a word that you say instead I'm going to make some damage to all his body part" he said to me in a brotherly tone.


"You're welcome" cole was about leaving the room when all of a sudden he turn back looking at me.

"You love him don't you" he asked.

"Love? I don't think that word exists in my vocabulary" I told him.

"Keep telling yourself that mads, I love you though, and know that I only do all this because I care " he said before he left my room at last.

"I love you too DAD!!" I exclaimed, teasing him.
I could here him laugh loudly before shutting my door.

Why would he think that I loved Bryan? do I? Will I?

I slept that day thinking if it was possible for me to love Bryan McClain.

I woke up due to the knock on my door. I gently used my hands to wipe my face, before going over to my door to unlock it. Smart move right? it could be a serial killer or a thief. I quickly checked the time, 2:30pm, Nah a serial won't come around in the middle of the day and neither will a thief.

I can't believe that I slept through the morning

To my relief Sydney , Bethany, Keeley and josh stood in front of me.

"What do you guys want" I asked them holding the door open so that they could enter before going back to sit on my bed.

"Good afternoon to you to Maddie" josh said sarcastically.

"Sorry my meds make me grumpy when I wake up from sleep, but seriously why are you guys here''

"Well we thought we should go out to the beach, then later we could maybe order a large size pizza" Sydney said.

"Did you-" she didn't even let me complete my sentence. Rude smh.

"You don't need to ask, I already invited Bryan and also your brother wants to come along" she informed me.

"Anyways get shower and get dressed, will be waiting right here"

So twenty minutes later, I and my friends are going downstairs to the kitchen to get something  to take along to the beach.

"Hey beth, hi Ellie" I said after spotting the two old ladies in the kitchen.

"Hi sweetheart, I've missed you around here, do you mind introducing us to your friends" Ellie told me.

"Okay so you guys already know Sydney, then josh, keeley bethany meet my favorite cook Ellie and my nanny beth" I said introducing them to my friends.

" Ellie we're going to the beach, could you pack something for us to take along please" sydney asked.

"Sure thing, and Maddie use your anti nausea drugs, it will help you to digest your food better" ellie told me.

15 minutes we were all ready to go and Bryan was supposed to meet us at the beach.

The moment cole saw him, he didn't even bother to hide his dislike for Bryan.

" You guys didn't tell that he was going to be here"

Oh Cole get over yourself.

I was too lazy to edit this chapter and check for errors, so ignore it please.
Double update.

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