chapter 6:"am I already in heaven" ✔

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Well as you can tell I'm a really good liar,so I obviously didn't keep my promise to Sydney about going to the nurse after I was done with my training for the race( which by the way I'm officially partaking in), after school I just came home straight and went to my room immediately,hey! don't blame me a girl needs her beauty sleep especially after running for four hours straight and plus I'm completely terrified of hospitals (in this case clinics) they always have sharp and pointy needles and lets not forget the smell of the drugs( but I'm honestly more concerned about the taste) I just hate it so very much.

I go down to the kitchen because I was literally starving I mean for someone who basically threw up everything she ate you  really can't blame me, and I could simply scream orders into the intercom in my room and have my maids bring it up here for me( you see I'm not a spoilt brat after all hmmph). I start rummaging through the fridge for something that is definitely not healthy to eat, then my eyes land on my favorite type of icecream. Kitkat icecream yum.

Now it's time for mission impossible, I've got to sneak this into my room without getting caught by anyone, most especially my mom,she would probably suffer from a traumatic attack or possibly a cardiac arrest if she sees this with me let alone in my mouth.

Tiptoeing isn't really that easy for me, I knew I should have taken ballet classes. But I somehow manage to get to my room safetly and with my baby with me, what could possibly go wrong.

I guess I spoke too soon.

I hear the sound of footsteps coming closer , but being my weird self I forgot to actually enter my room before pronouncing victory,and being my abnormal self I was busy thinking of how I forgot to enter my room instead of actually entering the room. I need mental help.

The person finally comes in sight, I let out the  breath I didnt notice I was holding.

"Maddie what are doing here with that" beth my nanny says pointing at the bowl of ice cream in my arms(what? you don't expect my parents to leave me all alone at home when they aren't around) .

"I was really hungry, please don't tell my mom,she would definitely freak out if she finds out" I said to her while trying to explain to her how much this ice cream meant to me.

"Of course I won't tell Mrs Thompson about this,she would suffer a terrible trauma at the sight of this ,just make sure to hide it  properly" she says giving me a wink,best nanny ever.

"Thanks a lot beth" I say before finally entering my room. I sat on my bed ,brought out my spoon and took the first scoop from my frozen ice cream, then suddenly my door opened and my mum walked in and after seeing me with the ice cream she fainted ,okay maybe I'm exaggerating a lot, she just walked out of my room and came back in.

"So what was the point of going out if you were planning on coming back in" I asked her trying to divert her attention from the ice cream.

"I just wanted to be sure it was my daughter that was in the room with that junk in her arms or maybe I was just seeing things" well,that was unexpected .

She continued talking "what will you do if you caught your daughter eating a bowl of ice cream, not a cup of ice cream a bowl?" she looked at me waiting for my answer.

"I'll leave her alone" I told her and I could see that I was clearly pissing her off, but I kinda liked seeing her piseed and all red,it's not  a sight you see everyday.

She collected the ice cream from me.Nooooooooo, give me back my baby.

"My main purpose for coming here was to remind you that you will be modelling one of my designs on Sunday,so today we have to go shoe shopping" she tells me like it's the most exciting news ever.

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