chapter 19: learning about what I'm dying from and a well expected visitor✔

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I don't know if I'm even supposed to drink when I have cancer but I honestly don't care, I just want to escape fron this world for a little bit and live life to the fullest.

I start to feel dizzy and next you know I'm on the floor bleeding.

And now all I see is black a colour my eyes are now used to.

Beep beep

Oh no, not that annoying sound again.

"Good morning maddie" I see a blur view of doctor Taylor.

"Good morning" I tell her.

"So, I'll just go straight to the point, as you know you are suffering from leukemia and your check up was due last week, but you didn't come. Since you are a cancer patient your intake of alcohol should be very low, but I advice that you don't take it at all, because alcohol consumption appears to lower the risk of several types of lymphoma and plasma cell neoplasms, but has little effect on the risk of myeloid tumours such as acute myeloid leukaemia" she told me. And I swear I lost her when she started talking about the effects of alcohol consumption.

"I am going to give you a list of things to do to prevent the spread of the abnormal reproduction of white blood cells in your body and it also explain more about what you are suffering from, also yoi will be starting chemotherapy next week  " she said handing me what looked like a booklet. I begin to it.

"""Leukemia , its symptoms and prevention.
The Facts
Leukemia is a type of cancer that results in the body making too many abnormal white blood cells. This uncontrolled production results in an excessive amount of white blood cells that may be immature (acute leukemia) or mature (chronic leukemia).

For most people with leukemia, there's no way to identify what causes it.

Symptoms and Complications
Minor injuries can result in hard-to-stop bleeding and large bruises. Tiny red spots may appear just under the skin.
Because the immune system isn't working normally, infections are more frequent. Lymph glands and the spleen may become enlarged, causing pain in the left side of the abdomen.

Making the Diagnosis
Blood and bone marrow are sampled to check the types and numbers of blood cells present.

During the course of therapy, however, levels of some blood components may fall, causing anemia (a lack of red blood cells) or an increased risk of infections. If the number of red blood cells or platelets gets too low, a blood transfusion might be necessary. People with acute leukemias may need to take antibiotics to fight infections. Side effects of chemotherapy include nausea, vomiting, and hair loss.
Bone marrow transplant is the only cure for CML,  This treatment depends on an exact match between the donor's bone marrow and the bone marrow of the person receiving it. Otherwise, the body will recognize the transplanted cells as "foreign" and reject them."""

I have never felt more bored in my life but here I am reading about white blood cells, chemotherapy and bone marrow, like I am some aspiring doctor whereas I want to be an actress, could this day get any worse.

Well, I guess it just did

The door opens and he walks in.
"Why didn't you tell me that you had cancer" he screamed.

"Firstly, tone it down a couple notches, you don't have any right to barge into my room and shout at me" I told him "and secondly, why should I tell you uhn, you have done nothing but cause me pain and now you barge into my room like you own it and scream, I should be the one screaming you know, but no I sat and endured in silence, now I only have one request for you, get out, and next time knock before you enter, even though there won't be a next time"

I should see his expression, it was open, I could see pain and regret flash through is face. But I didn't care at least I tried not to care.

"Maddie I'm sorry" he told me

"I'm sorry for hurting you and making the biggest mistake by loosing you, I care about you a lot and I promise  that that is the truth, I didn't think about what I was doing when I made that stupid bet, and now I'm crazy about you, please maddie, please forgive me and give me another chance" he said falling on his knees at the the door of my room.

"I can't decide anything right now, just give me space" I said to him, and he understood standing on his feet and walking out of the door.

"I hope you stay strong and get better soon" he said without looking back.

"I hope so too" I whispered before drifting off to sleep.

With a simple tap on my shoulder, I am awake, and standing in front of me is a girl that looked really familiar.

"I am bethany, remember me" she said while grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Oh yeah, hi again" I smiled remembering our first encounter."what are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking"

"I just came to check up on you, it will be rude if I brought you here and left without knowing how you are doing" she told me. It was then I realised that she was the girl I saw at the party but couldn't remember her name.

"I saw you fall and it seemed like you blacked out, so with the help of  Bryan we got you to the hospital" she continued.

"Thank you so much" I told her genuinely

"Anytime" she said.

" I don't mean to sound nosy, but how do you know Bryan,since you are new here" I couldn't help but ask.

"I and Bryan are related actually, we're cousins and  both of our family are really close" she informed me.

"Oh, thanks again "

"No problem, I was actually wondering were you went after our class together at homeroom 32, I even thought that I was daydreaming at some point, but when I saw you again at the party, I was really glad to know that my head wasn't making up things" what she said made me laugh really hard, this was the first time that I've laughed in a while.

"Hahaha, That's good to know" I said between laughs.

"Maddie, if you don't mind I want to ask you about something" she said nervously,straightening the invisible wrinkles on her skirt.


"I work here after school, and this isn't the first time I've seen you here, and I really want to know what's wrong, maybe you should talk to me, to help you relax " I was really thankful for what she said and in an instant I told her everything.

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