chapter 12 : Camp?✔

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"Hello,baby sister"

"Oh my God,oh my God, Cole I've missed you"I said while hugging him,and truth be told I missed him a lot, he might be the families favorite, but he will always remain my nice and annoying brother.

"I missed you too mads" he told me. And I smiled because of the nickname

"So what brings you home so early" I asked him.

"I decided to take a break from uni" he said.

"You mean that you can actually take a break whenever you want?"

"Yeah and-hey mum" he was interrupted by the sight of my mum who was standing right behind me.

"So, I guess you guys have had your little reunion, I'd like to inform you that I and your father have something to tell you both" she said.

"But that will be tomorrow seeing as your father is already asleep and I don't want to take all the credit" she added.

"Okay" cole and I said at the same time, before my mum left to go to her room.

"Do you have an idea of what she wants to say" Cole asked me.

"No, not at all" he said.

"Am going to bed" I told him after a while.

"Okay,good night baby sister" he said

"You know, that nickname is starting to annoy me a lot"

He didn't say anything but knowing him, he probably smirked.


"We are going camping" my mum chirped excitedly.

"Oh no" Cole said groaning

But being the weird one I screamed "yay"

"We are going to have so much fun"  I said to him.

"Nope,we aren't going to have fun,I'm only going to get mosquitoes all over my perfectly tanned body"Cole said and I rolled my eyes at that.

"Look on the bright side,you get to bring at least one person along" dad said.

"Sweet" cole exclaimed.

"So let's get packing people" my mum chirped happily,before we all headed to our respective rooms planning and packing for tomorrow.


"I'm sorry maddie but I don't think that I can come, since I've got a lot of classes to make up for" Sydney told me.

After the announcement of the camping trip, I immediately called Sydney to know if she could come along.

"Oh,so I guess am going alone then" I told her sadly.

"I'm so sorry maddie" she said.

"But,you do know that you can ask Bryan to come along,he probably wont mind" she said.

I smiled in memory of the last time I saw Bryan,and how lovely our date turned out to be.

"Yeah you are right, I will ask him once you hang up" I said to her happily.

"Okay,bye then" she finally said.

So I spent the rest of my afternoon debating on how to invite Bryan without acting like am obsessed with him.

"Hello" he said over the phone

"Hello, it's maddie" I told him

"I know" he said making me feel a little bit giddy

"So how are you" I asked

"The same" he said and I'm assuming that he is probably smiling.

"Why did you call" he asked sounding curious.

"Um" I started.

"Say it" he said.

"My family is going camping so I was wondering if you would like to come along" I told him.

He was silent for a bit, which made me feel worried and nervous.

"If they wouldn't mind, I would love to come along" yes! I gave myself  a mental fist bump before remembering that Bryan was still on the phone.

"Nah, I doubt that they would mind" I told him.

"Cool, when should I come over?" He asked.


"Okay, I better start packing" he said.



And with that the call ended. I am so so happy, that I literally started to jump all over my room. Then suddenly something hit me. Four words. COLE IS MEETING BRYAN.

Oh well this is going to be one very interesting camping trip for all of us.

Lauren's pov.

My baby girl only has one more week of normality,so am trying to make the best of it.

"Hey mum" Cole said over the phone

"Hello Cole, I need you to come home" I said.

"I hope everything is alright over there" he asked

"No,nothing is alright" I said before explaining everything to him.

He was silent.

"Mom,I'll be there tomorrow"
Hi there. Lauren's point of view happened before Cole came home.

So what do you think so far.

Am so so sorry for the slow update, I have a lot of homework and I need to read a lot seeing as I'm a science student,pls be patient with me.

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