chapter 11: The almost kiss✔

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When your legs dont work like they used to before.🎵

And I can sweep you off of your feet.🎵

"May I have this dance" bryan asked.

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?🎵

I nodded and gave him my hand.

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?🎵

And slowly we began to dance.

And darling I will be loving you 'till we're 70🎵
And baby my heart could still fall as hard at 23🎵

We don't have a past(at least not one that we would like to cherish) but still I felt safe in his arms, so I rested my head on his chest.

It was just us,two teenagers in our own little world.

When the song finally ended I looked up and looked into Bryan's sky blue eyes which left me mesmerized I instantly felt lost and in love with his eyes, I could look at it all day long.

"I'm having a great time,thank you so much" I told him

"It's my pleasure" he said smiling

We walked over to the sea side and sat on the sand and pulled of our shoes then we put our feets in the water.

"You know, you aren't as bad as I thought" he stated

"Meaning?" I questioned.

"I always thought of you as one of those rich snobby kids" he said


"Yeah, and now my thoughts about you as changed completely, you are actually a really amazing girl who is beautiful both on the outside and inside" he said.

Those words touched me it made me feel so happy. It made me feel acknowledged and it also made me smile and blush real hard.

We faced each other and our lips began to move closer,(yay my first kiss)closer,closer. We were so close then suddenly my phone began to ring causing whatever we were about to do to stop. Bryan looked disappointed at this

I mouthed sorry to Bryan before answering.

It was my mum.

"Hey mum what's up"

"I want you home right now someone is here to see you" she said.

"Who?"I questioned

"Come home and you'll see for yourself" she said before ending the call.

"Um....bryan could you please drop me at my house"


"Thanks" I said.

So we went to his car, and drove to my house.

"I also had a really great time maddie, and I hope we can do this again some other time" he told me. Yes yes, I definitely want to do this some other time, my insides were literally screaming, but I knew that if I told this to Bryan he will probably think that I'm a freak.

"Yeah, sure" I said cooly.

"So we are here"

"Uh, where?" I asked

"Your house" he said. I loked outside the window and saw my house, oh wow we got here real quick

"Thanks again" I told him as I was getting out of the cae

"You're welcome" he said also getting out of the car

He walked me to the front door before turning to go back to his car.

I watched him drive off before finally ringing the doorbell.

The door opened and my mom was standing in front of me.

"Maddie what took you so long, and why does your dress look rough and covered in sand, I hope you two didn't-"

I stopped before she could complete that sentence.

"No,no definitely not" I assured her, why would she even think that I'm only sixteen.

"That's good to hear, cause I'm not ready to be a grandmother yet" she said.

"MOM!!!" I exclaimed.

"I'm just making sure honey, now go change so that he doesn't see you like this" she told me.
I wonder who.

So I went up to my room and changed into something that wasn't wet,before going downstairs to meet my mom.

While waiting for my mom, suddenly a voice said

"Hello,baby sister"
I'm sorry for the short chapter,the next one will be longer, I hope.
So any guesses, who is it?.

I'm so good with cliffhangers *fans herself*

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