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7 years later.

Bryan's pov

I am now 24 and happily married to Emma and I'm expecting a baby, the death of Maddie thompson took a toll on me, the moment she stopped breathing I felt my heart break into millions of tiny pieces. But she told me before she died, that she wanted me to move on and so I did.

4 years later, I owned my own hospital and named it MABRY GENERAL HOSPITAL in remembrance of my first love, the girl I loved for such a short time and also to be able to cure leukemia and make sure that my patients live the life they rightfully deserve.

Coincidencially Emma looks exactly like Maddie, she has the same beauty mark that Maddie had, the same smile, the same features and the same voice except she studied psychology in college where I first met her. Unlike Maddie she doesn't like acting, actually she's terrible at it, but I'll never tell her that, I love her too much to do that , although even though she looked like the replica of Maddie, I will always love maddie more. It's actually been 7 years since she died and today is her birthday. I never for once forgot her, actually Emma reminded me of her everyday, she understood my relationship with Maddie  and I'm grateful for that.

To think that it all started with a play.

I still visit Mr and Mrs Thompson, I even attended Cole's wedding last year. He got married to Sydney, Maddie's best friend.

Bethany is engaged to Josh and they are getting married today. Lets just say I saw that coming.

Zach is in Australia, still single, he said something about not wanting commitment. Well goodluck with that bro

"Honey hurry up or were going to be late for the wedding reception" I told my wife.

"I'm coming babe" she said.

When she came out, I was speechless, gosh she looks stunning and breathtaking.

"Bryan, I think you should close your mouth if you don't want to catch a fly" Emma told me giggling,she definitely knew that I was checking her out.

"Oh yeah, it's not my fault that my wife looks hot even during pregnancy"  I said sincerely.

"Aww thank you, you don't look too bad yourself, now let's go before we're late" and with that we headed to the car and drove to Josh and Bethany's wedding.

"Oh my gosh you look stunning Bethany" I hear my wife tell my cousin.

"Thank you, Sydney sew the dress and did my make up" she said to Emma.

Just in time, Sydney walked in with her husband Cole beside her.

"Hey man, how's everything going" Cole asked me.

"Everything's fine, how are you doing"

"Okay, I'm doing fine, my wife is expecting a baby" he told me excitedly.

"Oh man congrats"

"Yh thanks".

We all headed to the outside where the wedding was going to take place.

Their wedding was beautiful and very massive.

After the wedding we went to congratulate the newly wedded couple before going back home.

"Bryan it's time, I'm having her now" Emma informed me has I walked inside our room.

"What are you saying Emma" I asked her.

"My baby, I'm having her now" she said.

"Holy shit, can you get up, I'm taking you to the hospital now" I told her and she simply nodded.

"Doctor, how is my wife doing, can I see her now" I asked.

"Yes you can, and congrats " the doctor told me smiling.

I hurriedly entered the room Emma was in, and what I saw made me feel like the happiest man on earth, right next to my smiling wife, was a beautiful baby girl, I took her from my wife and held close to me.

"Maddison Alisha Rose McClain, I'm your daddy and that's your mommy over there, welcome to the world "



I never wanted a cliché ending, so I guess this will do.

All along I don't really think that I wanted this book to be about romance, I just wanted it to show the life of a girl who is struggling both phsically and mentally, at first she's all alone, but later on she has people to support her,and still she died happily.

Thank you so much to those of you reading this book.

Now I'm going to edit this book, I don't exactly like how this book began, so I may re-write some chapters and add new scenes.

I started this book when I was 13, I never actually thought that I was going to finish it, but yass I made it.

Thanks for voting and commenting.

Maybe in the future I will write another book, but nonetheless stay tuned. Follow me to get notifications on this book.

Lots of love

Cya later.

Started : august 5th 2017.
Ended : September 5th 2019

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