chapter 8:dates and jealousy ✔

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"Dad" I whispered.

  I've been finally discharged from the hospital and let me tell you it's the most amazing thing that could ever happen to a person. I'm currently in the hallway of McCendrick high and it feels quite strange, people are smiling at me,talking to me. I even went out of the school to see the name just to be sure I wasn't somewhere else. It felt like I'm in another universe, I replied to the occasional hellos that I got from people.

I wasn't really looking at where I was going so I accidentally bumped into someone who I didn't really recognize causing my binder to fall.

"I'm so sorry" I started apologizing,  but you know what she did, she began to laugh which completely made me furious.

"You know, normal people accept apologies not laugh at them" I told her.

"Im not laughing at your apology silly, I'm laughing because you are apologizing for no reason, and because you look cute when you are angry" she informed me. I like this girl already.

"By the way I'm Maddie Thompson " I said stretching forth my hand, she accepted it.

"I'm Bethany Campbell" she said "and I'm new here, can you please take me to homeroom 32."

"Sure, art right" I asked


"Good we have the same class" and with that I lead her to the art class.


Am having a really lovely day at school,infact there was no rehearsal today, I know all this is the result of pity but I want to believe that maybe people are starting to see me for who I truly am, a girl who is broken inside and is yet to be fixed,  a girl who would trade her family's luxuries for a proper family in an heartbeat,  that's who I am.

"Hey Sydney,  I didn't really see you today in any of the classes we share" I informed her.

"I just came like now, my mum wanted some mother and daughter bonding time, since she has a to go back to Australia for a shoot" she said.

"Aww she misses you" I said teasing her.

"Yeah right, anywho how was today" she asked

"Great for some odd reasons, and you will never guess what bryan asked me" I said feeling giddy all over again.

"Can I borrow a comb?" she said taking a sip (more like a gulp) of water.

"No silly," I said laughing "he asked me on a date" I informed her. Sydney spat out all the water in her mouth.

"Shut up,are you talking about the same Bryan McClain" she asked.

"Of course not, there's a new foreign student named bryan McClain" I told her sarcastically.


"Nooo!!" I literally screamed earning me weird looks from the students passing by, but either ways I continued talking

"do you remember when you gave me that speech about how many girls would trade places with me for bryan's attention, and I said that the day I learn to like Bryan is the day pigs start to fly. I completely take all that back, because I think that I'm actually starting to like him" Sydney's face had the mixture of two emotions. Shock and disgust.

The bell rang signalling the beginning of last period so I left to go to my last class of the day.

Sydney's pov

I ran to the girls bathroom and I just sat on the floor. Those words flooding  my mind. Hot beads of tears were rolling down my cheek as those words began to repeat itself

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