chapter 5:bad blood✔

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Oh well Maddison Thompson. There's a storm coming and its going to knock you off your feet and make you fall for me. I thought.


It was. What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?
Not having that, which, having, makes them short.
In love?
Of love?
Out of her favour, where I am in love.

Oh wow they are good, I thought as I watched Zach and Bryan act, fortunately it's not my time to come in as Juliet so I still have time to do my homework.

"Hey Maddie, how are you" I was about to say fine until I found out it was Bryan talking, this is extremely weird, we never ever talk except when rehearsing our parts or when shouting profanities at each other.

"Normal" that was all I could say

" just wanted to know if you'd like to have lunch at my table today" WHAT!!! I went closer to Bryan and placed the back of my palm on his neck to feel his temperature,he was warm, hmmph I wonder if he developed amnesia within the spam of a few hours.

"Bryan are you okay,I mean did you hit your head on something" I asked worriedly.

"Yes I'm perfectly fine and no I didn't hit my head on anything.... I just felt that we should forget the past and become friends" he said.

Well that was unexpected, and why the sudden change of heart.
I tried to think of all the possible things he could gain from this, but I couldn't come up with anything. What game are you playing Bryan.

"You sill haven't answered my question" he said , and he was right I guess I just kinda spaced out. I don't know what to say because ever since this morning I have been throwing up, everything I ate just came back up, I think am coming up with a flu. But I might as well eat something.

"Sure" I said with a smile. Maybe I should give this a try. Oh lord I'm in big trouble.

So it's the time we've all been waiting for, it's lunch time. I'm starting to over think this, what if Bryan is planning to do something. Well, I guess I'm about to find out.

"Hey you" a voice from behind said. I look back to see Sydney smiling for no reason,which I find weird.

"Why are you smiling like that" I ask her,just to be such she's okay.

She looked offended by what I said. "Why would you ask that, I'm just happy to see my friend" she clearly stated.

"But you see me everyday weirdo, whatever it's time for lunch and am starving.......oh and I'm having lunch at Bryan's table" I said as we walked to the cafeteria, all of a sudden she stopped walking and looked at me with shock evident on her face.

"What's wrong ,you look like you've seen a ghost" I ask her,sincerely concerned. It took her exactly 2 minutes to talk

"Did you just say that you're having lunch at Bryan's table" she asked.

"Yeah that's what I said,is there something wrong with that"

"No nothing is wrong,I guess am just really suprised". You don't say.


As promised I headed over to Bryan's table at lunch,alone if I might add (since Sydney said she doesn't really feel comfortable with the whole Bryan being nice thing) but I don't blame her. I got a lot of strange and odd looks from people around me,they are all probably wondering why I'm going to their golden boy's table seeing as the last time I went there was to do something mischievous. Lovely memories.

"Hey Maddie" Zach said,he was the first to notice me coming over, this also led the whole table to look at me.

"Hey Zach" I said while looking for an empty sit,then I spot one in between Bryan(who happens to be on his phone) and his ex girlfriend Abby who for some reason is glaring at me,only if looks could kill. I confidently walked over and sat there,but not before smirking at Abby who looked extremely pissed, hahaha this is going to be one fun lunch.

Soon Bryan finally loooked up from his phone and his eyes met mine(talk about awkwardness).

"So I heard you guys are acting in the play Romeo and Juliet" keeley(she's Josh's twin sister) said breaking the silence. Thank God.

"Yeah you heard it right" Bryan told her.

"And I heard Juliet dies at the end" Hannah said refering to me.

Cuz we got bad blood .

"Your point being ?" I queried.

My lunch was just sandwich and I was afraid that I will throw up like I did this morning, so I take the first bite slowly(like that would make a difference) when I was done chewing I waited a minute ,like I literally counted 60 seconds in my head just to be sure it was safe to take another bite,and after the second bite I felt the sandwich forcefully coming back up and before you know it I stood up and speedily walked to the girls bathroom and I puked again and for the umpteenth time,and I didnt even eat much, the door to girls bathroom opened and Sydney walked in, she looked so pale seeing me in this state because I wasn't one to get sick easily.

"Maddie are you okay" she asked walking over to me hurriedly

"Honestly no I don't feel okay" I told her truthfully and with that I threw up,seriously where was all this food coming from.

"Lets go to the nurse" she suggested as soon as the bell rang. But I couldn't go to the nurse now, I've got to go to the gym to train for the race coming up in two days, and this is what I told Sydney but she insisted that I go to the nurse and go to the gym later.

"Sydney this is really important to me my mum will be there,and I can't be late only two people will represent the school and we are six,I promise that I'll go to the nurse after" I told her.

"Okay" she said and then she helped me clean up my mess

Poor maddie😥

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