chapter 13: I hate big brothers✔

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Dedicated to episodelinaxdxd you've been really supportive and your comments make me smile,thank you so much for reading this piece of junk
So far my life has been great and I finally have the perfect and happy family that I asked for(well I think I do). Firstly my dad comes home and he apologizes for all he has done to hurt me since I was young then my mom suddenly creates time for me and pushes her work aside also Cole comes home which is something that happens once in a millennium(okay maybe I'm exaggerating) and now Bryan and I are quite close. All this were unexpected, infact if you told me that all this will happen last month, I would have laughed and told you to get your brain checked.

I walked over to my closet and checked for the paper I stuck their since I was eight.

Things to do before I die
•get married in a theatre
dance under the moonlight with the person I love
•go to Dubai
get an hospital named after me

I always kept this paper taped to my closet door hoping that I will be able to complete it before I die.

I most definitely want to get married in a theatre, and I know for sure that that would be one of the most memorable day of my life.

I would really love to go to Dubai, it's one of the few places that I haven't been to since we a have this roster that has the list of places to go to and when to go there and we aren't going to dubai anytime soon.

One day. Just one day. Hmmph

"Maddie hurry up already,and besides we don't have all day" Cole said before barging into my room.

"HOLY SHIT!!!!!!" He screamed suddenly.

"Cole are you okay" I said running towards him to make sure he was alright and to find the source of his scream.

"Of course I'm okay,you are definitely going to be the death of me" he muttered

"And what is that supposed to mean" I queried.

"You packed five suitcases and we are going to camp for just one week"

"So? I'm just being prepared"

"I really don't care about you being prepared,just take two bags"he told me.


"No buts,take the bags with the things you think are necessary" he said before going out of my room.

I hate big brothers.

"Are you all ready" my mum asked the five of us(I, Bryan,Dad,Cole and some chic called Phoebe)

"Yes" we said in unison before getting into our cars.

"So are you excited" Bryan asked me

"Hell yeah,this trip is going to be awesome" I told him.

"Yeah you are right, can I ask you something" he said.


"Should I be worried,your brother has been glaring at me and I'm afraid that he might throw me into the water at the camp" he told me.

This makes me laugh really hard and loud.

"Nah that's an amateur move and I know my brother too well, he will throw you into an ocean, but don't worry you are safe for now"


"We're here" my brother literally screamed, the ride was quite interesting and we played games in the car(there's really not much that you can do in a car) but with time it became boring and I ended up sharing earphones with Bryan which blasted out "shape of you" by ed sheeran while my brother sucked faces with phoebe (which was very uncomfortable).

"Yes, we know and we can all see that so keep it low I'll still love to keep my eardrums and I'm sure the rest would love that as well" I told him and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yeah,yeah whatever let's just get out of here" he said and with that he got out of the car along with Phoebe, no doubt they were going to do more face sucking (if you are confused face sucking is my definition of kissing)

"So we are going to start of by fixing our tents so that we don't have to do that at night and you can choose to have individual tent or pair up with someone" mum said to us be we all departed.

"We could just sleep in an hotel and come back here tomorrow" my dad muttered but it was loud enough to be heard by I and my mum.

"Yeah I know we could do that but then it won't be called camping" mum explained to him like she was  talking to a five year old.

"Boo" just that made me to scream really loud.

"Don't you ever do that to me again,gosh I was so scared" I told Bryan while hitting his chest with all the power in me which wasn't much.

"I'll will definitely like to try that again,you look so fragile and cute when you are scared" awww he called me cute (and fragile but still "cute")


"I hope you are ready, the showcase is on monday which is in two days" he said

"Yeah, I'm as ready has I'll ever be" I told him

"So I've set up the tent what do you want to do next" he asked

"I don't know,you?"

"Okay, I was thinking that maybe we should explore this place a bit" he told me

"That sounds like a great idea let me just get my sunglasses be back in a sec" I told him.

I went to the car in search of my sunglasses but then something caught my eye,mom,dad and Cole were having an heated discussion but I don't know what it's about and whatever it is, had them really tense.
After getting my sunglasses I headed over to were I had left Bryan only to find him talking to Phoebe. I can't tell how I was feeling but one things for sure it wasn't good at all. I cannot explain the emotions running through my head just by seeing Bryan talking and laughing with another girl that isn't me.

Arrgh the power of jealousy!!!!

Sorry this was more of a filler but hopefully the next one will be better

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