chapter 9:My happy place✔

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I don't think I've ever mentioned this before,but am going to say it now. Acting is my life, I have passion for it, it's something I'd love to do for the rest of my life :its the art or practice of representing a character on a stage or before cameras, I'm not shy and I love being in the spotlight, I want people to watch the movies I star in. Yeah, I know such a big dream. But everything starts from somewhere, I'_m going to start by acting in my school.

The theatre is my happy place. Although the only theatre I've been to is the one at school, and I'm hoping that the showcase goes really well. I have never really told anyone this, well except Sydney.


"Scene IV" Mr hudson says through a megaphone, but am like, there are only twelve people here not a millon.

We've been rehearsing a lot today because the play was next week. And we have made a lot progress, the only part left is where they kissed and I'm hoping we don't do that part even if I and Bryan are kinda sort of friends I'm still not ready to kiss him.

Hmm friends that go on dates.

I just betrayed myself.

"Places everyone and ACTION!" Mr hudson said,well more like yelled. We were acting out the part were Juliet died so I instantly fell on the ground and opened my eyes wide, like a dead person would.

What noise is here?
O lamentable day!
What is the matter?
Look, look! O heavy day!
O me, O me! My child, my only life,
Revive, look up, or I will die with thee!
Help, help! Call help.

Then Josh who was acting as capulet came in.

For shame, bring Juliet forth; her lord is come.
She's dead, deceased, she's dead; alack the day!
Alack the day, she's dead, she's dead, she's dead!
Ha! let me see her: out, alas! she's cold:
Her blood is settled, and her joints are stiff;
Life and these lips have long been separated:
Death lies on her like an untimely frost
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field.

Have you ever wondered how Shakespeare writes books with this type of English it's just so difficult to understand, words like: alack, thou and thee , that is why I am really grateful to whoever decide to create proper English, now thanks to that awesome guy I don't have to ever speak like that.

2 hours passed by in a rush and rehearsals finally came to an end (I'm sooo glad). I went straight to my lunch table (not bryan's, mine) and since they don't serve anything healthy on Fridays I had to eat this really famous food, it's quite popular, it's called a burger, ever heard of it, but thanks to the anti nausea medecine that I've been taking I rarely puked anymore.

"The burger is not going to hurt you, so stop glaring at it" a voice said.

"I know that Josh and I didn't even realise I was glaring at it" I told him.

"So how are things" he asked.

"What things" I asked him, before taking a bite from my burger.

"I mean things between you and Bryan" he said.

"Things are good, I guess" I informed him.

"You guess?" He asked with one brow raised.

"Yeah, one minute we are enemies and before you know it we are friends-wait, why am I even telling you this"

"Because we are friends" he said.

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