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"Anthony stopp" i shriek.

"Not until you you admit it" he shouts and continues to tickle me.

"Okay okay fine" I struggle for breath.

He finally stops but keeps me strongly in his grip.

"Anthony is the be-worse friend" I say rushing the last part. I mange to stand up and jump over his arms. I take off running up the stairs

"HEY get back here Kenzie" I hear him behind me.

"Neverrr" I make it into my room but before I have a chance to lock the door he pushes it open.

"Mackenzie I think you have an apology to make" he says walking into my room, smirking.

"Stop being stupid Anthony. All I said was that Tessa is a better friend than you. It wasn't to offend you it's just that girls are better then boys" I shrug.

"Hmm" he narrows his eyes "kiss me"

"What?" I ask genuinely surprised. I don't like him in that way. Or at least I think I don't.

"Kiss me and I'll show you that I'm better than Tessa" he says closing the door and coming towards me.

"No. I don't like you like that"

"And I don't like you like that either I just wanna show you that I'm better than her" he says not making eye contact with me.

"Okay" I say deciding to mess with him.

His face lights up and he steps forward so that our faces are inches from each other.He places his hand on the back of my neck and starts to lean in but just before our lips touch I push his face away with my hand.

"Sorry Trujillo but you'll have to try harder if you want a kiss from me" I smirk and flounce out of my room leaving him shocked.

"What are you looking so happy about?" Tessa asks as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Just proving to Anthony that you're a better friend than him"

"That's my girl" she hugs me "Wanna go get ice cream with me?"

"Of course, I just need to grab a hoodie then we can go"

"Okay I'll wait here" she sits on the bottom step and pulls out her phone.

I run up the stairs and open my door to see Anthony sitting on my bed.

"Why are you still here?" i ask.

"Just waiting for my kiss" he says innocently.

I just laugh and brush past him to go to my closet. I take the first hoodie I see.

"At least wear Chanthony merch" Anthony says pulling one of his merch hoodies out of my closet.

"Only for you babe" I wink and put it on.

I love teasing him.

After grabbing my purse I walk downstairs.

"Ready?" Tessa asks.

"Ready" I link my arm with hers and we walk out of the door.

I wait until we are in her car and away from all of the fans at the house before telling her what just happened.

200 days//Anthony Trujillo (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now