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"Two tickets please" Anthony says to the guy working at the ticket booth.

Anthony insists on paying again since it is 'his treat' then we get into the queue for the Ferris wheel.

Once we reach the front Anthony hands the tickets over and the worker guides us into one of the carriage things.

We sit down opposite each other and the worker closes the door. It starts moving straight away and we go up.

"This is amazing" I say looking out at the view of Venice beach and Santa Monica.

"I know right" Anthony agrees.

I take some pictures of the view on my phone then sit back to enjoy it. We sit in silence for a while enjoying the ride. Anthony finally breaks it just after we get past the very top.

"So about yesterday" He starts.

"When you tried to kiss me?" I giggle.

He blushes "Yeah when I tried to kiss you... but got rejected" he says kind of sadly. "So I was wondering if we could try again" he says it more as a statement rather than a question.

I smirk "I don't know Anthony, I thought you didn't like me like that"

"Hmm" he slides around the circular seat so he is sitting next to me. He puts one of his hands on my lower back and the other softly on my jawline. "We'll never know if we don't try" he whispers.

My knees go weak and my breathing gets shaky as I realise that we're actually about to kiss. He leans closer to me as my stomach fills with butterflies.

I put my hand on the back of his neck and just as our lips are about to meet I hear a loud cough.

"Excuse me" someone says rudely. We both jump away and look up to see that we are at the bottom and the worker is waiting for us to get up.

My cheeks redden and we both quickly get out of the carriage.

"Dammit Mack I was so close" we start walking away from the ride.

"Sorry Toner you'll just have to wait" I pat the top of his head.

"But I don't like waiting" he pouts.

We go on a few more rides then decide to leave.

He puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk. This time we walk up the boardwalk and past all of the touristy shops instead of the beach.

"Yo they're selling fake merch" Anthony says pointing to one of the shops.

"Oh well I guess it's giving us more publicity #alwaysplug"

He grins and we keep walking. Anthony moves his arm down my shoulders and holds my hand again.



"Do you like me?"

"Of course I like you you're one of my bestfriends" I squeeze his hand.

"No but do you like me as more than a friend?"

I think for a moment "Honestly, I'm not sure yet"

"Okay well you've probably already realised it but I like you as more than that"

"Yeah I thought so. I'm willing to see where things go but I don't want to rush into anything"

"I completely understand. We can take things slow and see what happens" he smiles down at me.

5 minutes later we reach bloodshark and get inside.

As soon as I sit down I start to feel extremely tired.

I lean my head back and close my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Tony asks me.

I open my eyes "Yeah just really tired"

"Okay we'll go back to the house" he starts the engine.

"Thanks for today Tony, I had fun"

"Me too" he smiles and starts driving.

We stay quiet for the rest of the car journey mostly because I'm just trying to stay awake. I don't know why I'm so tired I didn't go to sleep late last night or anything.

Once we're back at the house I say hi to everyone and take my shoes off before lying down on the bottom bunk of the three layer bunk bed.

"Do you still wanna do something for your vlog?" Anthony asks me.

"Maybe in a bit I'm just gonna have a nap first"

"Okay" he smiles then goes over to Jake to film something with him.

I turn over so I'm facing the wall and almost as soon as I close my eyes I'm asleep.



Liked by imchancesutton, Jakepaul and 235,657 others

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Liked by imchancesutton, Jakepaul and 235,657 others

imanthonytruj: good day with good company @Mackenziebrown 😊🎡

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imchancesutton: Get some my boyy

Kadespeiser: OMG I'm gonna be an uncle

imanthonytruj: Uncle Kade👶🏼 @Kadespeiser

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