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"Come in" I shout after hearing a knock on my door. I had just finished unpacking all my stuff from Big Bear and am about to pack my stuff for New York.

"Hey we need to talk" Tessa says opening the door.

Oh shit. Chance better not have told her about the cancer. He swore he wouldn't.

"About what?" I sit down nervously on my bed.

"Anthony, duh! I saw Jakes vlog whats going on with you two?" She asks excitedly sitting next to me.

"Ohh that. Well we were just talking in the hot tub for ages and then we admitted our feelings for each other and started making out. Then we kept making out that day" I smile.

"Oh my god so Macanthony's actually real now?"

"No we're not dating or anything we're just... a thing" I say deciding not to tell her about the hot tub incident.

"I'm so happy for you" she hugs me. "And I'm so happy you guys finally realised that you belong together. I've known it for months"

"Thanks T, can you help me pack? I'm exhausted from snowboarding all day"

"Sure" she stands up and open my wardrobe.

I join her and she starts pulling clothes out.

"Ohh you should definitely take this. Anthony is gonna die when he sees you in it" she says holding up a low cut body suit.

"No it's gonna be cold it's only March"

"I'm putting it in" She smirks and puts it in my suitcase.

It takes us about 20 more minutes to pack all of my stuff then Tessa leaves because she's tired and I get changed for bed. After getting into my bed i get a text from Anthony.

Anthony💙- Can I come through to your room?

Me- Yeah😂

A few seconds later the door opens and Anthony walks in carrying his laptop.

"Hey do you wanna watch a film?" He asks closing the door behind him.

"Yeah come here" I pat the space on my bed beside me.

He smiles and gets into my bed then puts the laptop between us.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asks.

"Umm I don't know. What is there?"

He pulls up Netflix on his laptop and starts scrolling through his recommended.

"Lets watch that" I say pointing to Frozen.

"Nooo" he laughs and rolls his eyes but clicks on it anyway.

"You lowkey love it" I say putting my phone down on my nightstand.

"Just the songs"

We start watching it and about halfway through the opening bit Anthony turns to me.

"Mackenzie you know I really am sorry about the other night"

"Anthony stop worrying about it. I told you I forgive you"

"Yeah but I still feel terrible about it"

"Don't. I forgive you, Okay?" I say looking deep into his eyes. 

"Okay. Thank you"

I smile in response and snuggle into his chest to watch the movie.

Whenever a song comes on we both sing along and surprisingly he knows every word to every song.

"Wow you weren't kidding about loving the songs" I yawn as the ending credits go up.

"Yup my cousins make me watch it with them all the time"

"Aw how old are they?"

"3 and 5" he smiles "You'll have to meet them sometime"

"Yess we should go to Ohio. I want to do as much travelling as possible before...well...you know"

He nods "Where else do you wanna go?"

"Hawaii, London, Bora Bora, Paris. I'm not sure where else yet"

"Well I wanna go everywhere with you"

"I'm so tired" I yawn again. "Can you turn off the light beside you?"

"Yeah I better leave it's nearly 1am" he says looking at his phone.

He reaches down to hug me again before turning off the light and walking to my door.

"Night Kenzie"

"Night Toner"

And with he shuts my door leaving me to drift off to sleep.

Day 6

I wake up to my alarm blaring loudly. I groan and turn it off. I did not get enough sleep. After scrolling through my phone for a good 15 minutes I finally get up and take a shower.

Once I'm out I pick out a pair of leggings and a hoodie to wear since I need comfy clothes for the flight then I put on some light makeup and dry my hair. After that I make sure I've packed everything and go downstairs where the rest of team ten is starting to gather.

"Let's go to NYC baby" Jake shouts at his camera.


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Liked by imanthonytruj, kadespeiser and 382,382 others

Mackenziebrown: Always travelling✈️

View all 7,382 comments

Tessabrooks: Here we come NYC😜

Imanthonytruj: You're hot😍

Kadespeiser: Pic creds to Moi📸

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