{Ch. 2} The Globes

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Emily's Point of View:

"She'll be here in an hour or so." Demi explained. I muttered an 'okay' and then scurried into my room to get dressed. I hopped into the shower and then got out with no surprises from Demi this time. Looking through my closet, I found a leather jacket that I hadn't worn in a while. It was black and had a few shiny buckles on it. Nice. I thought. I pulled it out, along with a white shirt and some dark blue, skinny jeans. I grabbed some underwear and socks, before starting to dry my hair. I brushed it and then let it all flow over to one side.

I got dressed and applied a small amount of makeup. The one time I didn't try to look perfect and I actually looked okay. Says a lot.

I put my favourite bracelet on, which had a little charm of the Eiffel Tower. Just as I clipped it into place on my arm, I heard the front door open and my nerves started to rise. What if she doesn't like me? What if I don't like her? What if we both hate each other, but we have to pretend for Demi's sake? I thought to myself. I pushed those thoughts aside and took a deep breath. I looked at myself in the mirror again and then grabbed my phone.

"Em, can you come here?" I heard Demi yell from the kitchen. I took another deep breath to try and calm myself down and then left my room, closing the door behind me. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw the back of a blonde girl's head. Demi was facing me and she gave me a warm smile. I was so glad I had Demi or I'd be freaking out. Her smile gave me a lot of reassurance.

"Here she is. Emily, this is Alison." She told me. The girl turned around and I felt like the world was in slow motion. Her blonde curls bounced on her shoulders as her head turned. She had beautiful blue eyes and naturally long eyelashes. She was wearing some light makeup that blended in perfectly on her heart-shaped face. Her lips were pink and plump. She smiled at me, showing off her gorgeous dimples. I stared at her in awe for a second, before I snapped back into reality. She was so beautiful. Like some sort of angel.

I don't know what it was, but something clicked inside of me when I saw her. I felt my nerves deteriorate and anything desolate inside of me was now filled with excitement.

"Hi." She said to me. Her voice was so soft and sweet. It was like a song. What am I saying? She said 'hi'. I thought to myself.

"Hi." I replied, shocked at how beautiful she was. I went and stood next to Demi and she started talking to me. As she was talking to me, she put an arm on my side. I was glad she'd done that, because it calmed me down a little and stopped me from acting like a fool.

What didn't help was that in the corner of my eye, I swear I could see Alison staring at me.

"We were just gonna make some food. You hungry?" Demi asked me. I nodded and smiled, still thinking about Alison. Alison. That was actually a really beautiful name when I thought about it. It suited her.

Demi walked away and started loading some food into the oven. I sat next to Alison and she smiled at me. "I'm Alison. You can call me Ali." She told me. She looked into my eyes and I looked into hers. They were so beautiful and they looked like globes in a way. "Emily." I told her. She nodded. There was a small silence and I pinched myself. This person didn't seem real.

"So what are you into?" She asked, randomly.

"What do you mean?" I replied. I didn't want to just blurt out something and her not know what I was talking about.

"Like hobbies and stuff." She explained.

"Oh, right. Um... I don't know. I'm kind of boring actually." I said, laughing a little.

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