{Ch. 5} Wake Up Call

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Emily's Point of View:

I woke up when I felt the bed shift on my right side. My eyes slowly fluttered open to see Alison. Her arms were wrapped around me and her head was in my chest. She must've done it in her sleep. Either way, I thought it was adorable. I kinda liked it.

Hold up. I thought to myself. Alison is on my left side. Why did my right side shift?

I turned over to see Demi with a huge smile on her face. I rolled my eyes at her and turned back over. "When did this happen?" She asked, giggling.

"Shh! When did what happen?" I replied. I looked back to Alison and almost passed out at the sight. Her blonde hair was sprawled out all over my pillow and her breathing was slow. She had her arms and legs tangled up in mine and her chest was literally buried in my shirt. She was snuggling into me... and I loved it.

"You two. What happened last night?" She continued, as if it was the most obvious thing on the planet. I could tell she was thinking dirty, so I smacked her arm. "Hey, what was that for?!" She scolded.

"Your mind." I said back, simply. I could practically feel her rolling her eyes. "Nothing happened. We fell asleep and I woke up like this." I explained. She didn't seem convinced.

"Then... why aren't you moving?" She asked. My eyes widened slightly, but I quickly made an excuse.

"Because I don't want to wake her." I said.

"Whateves. Do you like her?" She asked. Yes.

"As a friend, sure." I replied, secretly pushing a piece of hair out of Ali's face. She was so adorable. Why did Demi have to ruin the moment?

"What about as more than that?" She carried on. I rolled my eyes. Please leave! I mentally shouted.

"Demi, we're just friends. That's all we'll ever be." I told her. I suddenly felt really bummed out. Ali will never like you, so that is true. I told myself. I wished for more, but I knew never to get my hopes up.

"Okay." She finally accepted my answer and climbed to her feet. "You want some breakfast?" She offered. I just wanted to cuddle with Alison! Why didn't she take the hint? Oh, yeah... I told her not to.

"No thanks. Can I have another hour?" I pleaded. She nodded and walked out of the door. Finally.

I snuggled closer to Ali and shut my eyes. My arms found their way around her tiny body and I'd never been more comfortable. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

When I woke up a little while later, Ali wasn't in my arms anymore. I looked around the room, but there was no sight of her. I remembered that Demi was making breakfast, so I climbed out of bed and got ready.

I walked into the kitchen, but only Demi was there. "Hey." She said.

"Hi... where's Alison?" I asked, as she pushed a coffee towards me.

"Oh, she left. She had some things to take care of." She explained. My insides sunk and all my excitement vanished.

"Oh... okay." I muttered, taking a sip of the warm liquid in front of me.

"Do you actually like her?" She asked, sitting down beside me. That took me by surprise. I thought she'd dropped the subject. I didn't answer. "Em?" She pushed me to answer. I just shrugged. Why did I do that? You should have said no! My brain screamed.

"You do!" She yelled, excitedly. I rolled my eyes and continued to drink my coffee. "Oh my god! You totally do!" She screamed. I stood up and was about to leave. I wasn't in the mood for this.

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