{Ch. 9} Busted

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Alison's Point of View:

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. Pretty much the best sound to wake up to, in my opinion. I stretched and yawned, before propping myself up with my elbows. It took me a second to remember where I was and a smile crept onto my face when I did. The entire time I had known Demi and Emily had been amazing. I loved their confidence and their spirits. They could make me smile so easily.

Instead of thinking about them, I decided to go and wake them up. I only had two days with them and I wasn't planning on wasting it. I slipped out of my sleeping bag and got changed into some decent, comfy clothes. I threw my hair into a quick ponytail and grabbed my phone. After doing a few other things, I unzipped my tent.

As soon as I pushed the fabricated door open, the fresh air basically smacked me in the face. It took me a while to take it all in. The smell was so refreshing. The view was even better, with the brown leaves spread across the muddy ground and the sun shining through the tall trees.

It took me a while to adjust to my surroundings, but as soon as I did, I was on my feet and shuffling towards my girlfriend's tent. I found myself slipping inside, without permission, and sitting next to the snoring woman in there.

I spent a moment just staring at her. She was honesly the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I loved the way her brown locks sprawled out across her face and everything around it. She was laid on her left side and had one of her hands under her head; the other was laying on her stomach. She looked so peaceful and adorable.

I leaned forwards and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Em." I whispered. That was all it took for her eyes to flutter open. Her brown orbs looked into my blue ones. "Get up." I ordered, still speaking quietly. She pouted and groaned, before closing her eyes again. "Emmmmmmmm." I whined, giggling at the same time. Without saying anything, she grabbed my arm. I squealed, as she pulled me down beside her. Her arms wrapped around me and her legs tangled up in mine. I could feel her hot breath on my neck and I felt like just falling asleep beside her. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, making sure that I didn't fall asleep again. "Get. Up." I mumbled in her ear. I felt her smile beside me and I opened my eyes to see she had done the same.

I loved her eyes. 'The chocolate swirls'; that was what I called them, anyway. She just stared at me, with a goofy smile on her face. "You look so cute." I whispered, making her blush a little. She leaned forwards and kissed the end of my nose. It was a small gesture, but it made my heart flutter. I wrapped my arms tighter around her and snuggled into her chest, all previous thoughts of getting up disappearing. Her warm body copied my motions and our bodies couldn't have been any closer.

I pulled my head back a little and looked at her again. What did I do to deserve someone like her in my life? I asked myself, as she stared at my lips. I found myself leaning in and the second our mouths touched, fireworks went off inside of me. It was very soft, but heated at the same time, almost like the first kiss we shared. Her right leg began to rub against my left one and I traced my hands down her sides. Her fingers ran through my hair and the world began to spin.

Our lips were locked together and I began to grind on her. With my hips rubbing against hers, her breathing became unsteady. She didn't break the kiss, as she trailed her hands down my body. They went past my butt and gripped the back of my thighs, her fingernails gently grazing my skin. In one swift movement, she pushed my left leg over the top of her right one. After that, she rolled us over, so that I was straddling her hips.

My hands moved from her sides to her flat, toned stomach. I rubbed the area, gently, as I continued to move my hips against hers. I didn't know if I was doing it right, but she seemed to be enjoying and I did not want to stop. Her mouth opened, slightly and I mirrored her actions. She began to suck and pull on my bottom lip and that action alone made me want to scream. I did the same to her and her goosebumps told me she liked it.

Her hands flew to my sides again and she slipped them under my shirt. Her warm fingers stroking my skin felt incredible. Neither of us could breath properly at this point, so I pulled away for a second. It was not going to stop on my watch. In one swift movement, my lips were on her neck. I left sloppy kisses all over the area and began to suck on her weak spot. She let out a breathy moan and I smirked in satisfaction.

Suddenly, she gripped my sides harder and flipped us over. She held the back of my head, so that it didn't smack the ground. Now it was her turn. She started moving from side to side on my hips, making me buck mine. I released a small moan and felt her smirk the same why I did. Then, she surprised me by placing the tip of her tongue on my jawline and trailing it up, until she met my lips. Usually, I would have thought that was disgusting, but it actually gave me excitement. She kissed me again and I let my tongue slide into her mouth. She did the same and they met with sparks.

"What the fuck?!" I heard a familiar voice yell. Both of our eyes quickly opened and Emily's head shot up. There she was. With a huge look of disbelief on her face. "Please. Continue. Don't let me ruin your fun." She continued. Emily groaned and rolled off of me, hurrying to hide her face in my shirt. I found the whole situation funny, but at the same time, I wanted to kill Demi for ruining our perfect moment. I giggled and closed my eyes, shaking my head.

"Wait a second! Are you two..." She trailed off, as a smirk grew upon her cocky face. Both of us ignored her, but I continued to giggle. We were so busted.

"You are!! How did I not know about this?" She asked, her face turning confused. We both just zoned out of her questions and I wrapped my arms back around Emily. There was no point hiding it now. Demi was going on and on about how we should have told her and I finally opened my eyes when she stopped talking. "That was really hot, though." She whispered, before winking and walking out of the tent. I laughed at her stupidity.

"Is she gone?" Emily asked, also laughing. I told her yes and she pulled away from my shirt. She had a shy smile on her face and she sat up. There was a small silence, as I laid there, just staring at the goddess beside me. "She's such an ass." Emily joked, continuing to laugh. She looked down at me and I bit my lip. She slowly leaned down and her lips moulded into mine. It wasn't as heated as before, but I still loved every second of it. After a little while, she pulled away and rested her forehead against mine.

She cutely kissed my nose, before climbing to her feet. She straightened her clothes out and then, held out her hands. I took them and she pulled me up. She stroked her thumb over my bottom lip and leaned in close. Right before our lips touched, she moved and kissed my cheek instead. Then, she walked away. I rolled my eyes at her teasing. I honestly couldn't have been any happier.

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