{Ch. 20} Crying In The Club

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Alison's Point of View:

I had almost fallen asleep, when I heard a loud and annoying buzz. The room illuminated as 'Incoming Call' flashed across my phone's screen. Ugh, who is it what do they want? I asked myself, as I sulked.

I had been finding it incredibly difficult to sleep, after I did what I did to Emily. I knew I was a jerk, but she had no idea just how psychotic Paige really was. Luckily, Paige had been arrested the day before. I couldn't really remember what her name was, but Paige apparently had another victim. I think her name was Sally... Susan... Shana? Yeah, Shana.

Either way, I was just glad the bitch was out of my life. As with the Emily situation... I backed up. I'd already hurt her way too much. I guessed she would probably never want to see me again anyway. Why would she? I left her without a reasonable explanation. She had every right to dislike me. Overall, I just really didn't want to hurt her again. She was the most amazing person I had ever met and that was why I had to leave her alone.

I swiped my finger across the screen and put the phone to my ear. "Hello." I answered, in a rude tone. I didn't even look at the name. All I knew was that this person had just stopped from me from getting the sleep I so desperately needed and I was not happy about it.

"Well that was rude." I heard Demi's voice on the other end of the line. It was weird, I hadn't heard from Demi since the incident. I had guessed that she wasn't going to speak to me, after what I did. Her voice was very sarcastic when she spoke and it seemed like she was in a playful mood. Weird.

"Demi?!" I almost screamed; I was way more excited than I should have been. I jumped to sit up in my bed. I heard a little giggle on the other end of the call.

"That's my name." She stated. "I need you." She then finished, simply. She sounded as if she let out a sigh, but I couldn't really hear. I noticed the faint sound of music in the background.

"What do you mean by you need me?" I asked, wondering if she could even hear me. "And where are you?" I continued, as I climbed out of my bed. Well there goes my idea of sleep. I thought.

"I'm at a club and I need you to come here." She stated. That explained a lot. She was either drunk or at the least, tipsy.

"What? Why?" I questioned, not really wanting to leave the house or even my bedroom, for that matter. Moping around in self-pity seemed like a lot more fun at that time. It was what I had been doing ever since I made the biggest mistake of my life.

"Emily." She blurted out, as if it was the most obvious thing in the whole entire world. I heard her sigh again and it confused me. Why did she need me for Emily? "She misses you. Right now, she's in this club, drunk out of her mind, all because she lost the one girlfriend she thought she wouldn't loose." She explained to me. My brain started to overflow with thoughts. Emily missed me... but did I really want to take the risk of hurting again?

"Demi, she doesn't miss me. I hurt her bad and we both know it." I admitted. It was true. I knew I had hurt her. I knew that before I even left. The look on her face was something I never wanted to see, but unfortunately had to.

"ALISON! Now is not the time to regret it, okay? I know you feel bad and it's gonna be okay. Emily is here, about to knock herself out with the amount she's drinking. She's doing it because she misses you like crazy and she wants you back. I don't care if you don't want her back, she needs you right now..." She yelled, all in one breath. She then quietened her voice and I swear she sounded like a serial killer. "That's why if you don't come here right now and help her, I'MMA BEAT YO ASS!" She screamed, so loud that I had to push the phone away from my ear for a second.

What she said did make sense though. I was the one who hurt her and now she needed me to fix her. I owed her that much. I thought about it for a little while. "Fine... Send me your location." I sighed, ending the call soon after.

I don't know how, but it felt like seconds before I was stood outside the club. I could hear the music booming from a block away. I looked down at my outfit, which was a white dress and black heels. The dress wasn't too tight, but it was nice. My hair was flowing on one side, over my shoulder, as I didn't have time to straighten or curl it. My makeup was light and quick, but decent. At that point, I didn't even care what I looked like. Emily was inside there drinking, most likely surrounded by a lot of other drunken people.

I pushed open the doors, to see Demi stood next to a tall man. She looked worried. She didn't even say anything to me. She just gave me a sympathetic smile and pointed towards the bar. I returned the smile and rushed towards the direction of her finger.

I was horrified with the sight I got. There she was. Staring into nothing, with a pained look on her face. In front of her were loads of empty glasses, of all sizes. I could tell she was drunk. There was no question about it. Even so, she looked incredibly beautiful. The disco ball's light was shining on her face and making her look like a literal angel. A very sad angel.

It still hurt me to see her that way. It hurt me even more to know that it was my fault.

I slowly made my way towards her, pushing through all of the drooling, drunken men. I kind of understood why they were drooling, Emily was beautiful, but seriously? Could they be any less subtle about it? It took a while, but I was finally stood directly behind her. I moved to her left side and placed my elbows on the bar. She didn't seem to notice; her eyes were fixed on her hands.

Just as I was about to say something, the bartender placed another drink in front of her. I was quick to push it out of her reach, before she could even touch the slender glass. She looked as if she was about to protest, but I didn't give her chance.

"I think you've had enough." I commented, shifting so that I was stood behind her again. I gripped her waist and helped her stand. She was extremely unsteady. She carefully turned around, before locking eyes with me. Her eyes widened and I was almost sure I had heard her gasp. I didn't know what to do. Was Demi wrong? Did she still hate me? Before I had chance to ask, she breathed out my name and wrapped her arms around me.

I sighed in relief and reciprocated in the hug. She smelt of alcohol, but I still got the faint whiff of her enticing scent. It was then that it hit me how much I had missed the girl. I loved her more than anything and she had no idea how hard it had been for me to stay away. As said before, her safety was much more important to me than my happiness.

I pushed all my thoughts aside, as my insides melted from her touch. "Come on." I whispered in her ear. I pulled away from the hug, but left one of my arms on her waist. Carefully, I managed to take her over to Demi. I told Demi she could stay with her new friend and I would take Emily to my house. She eventually agreed and told me to look after her.

This is my last chance. DON'T SCREW IT UP, ALISON!

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