{Ch. 3} The Remembrance

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Emily's Point of View:

My eyes slowly fluttered open to see a small bit of light shining through my curtains. My hair was tangled all over my face, like a big bowl of spaghetti. I pushed it all over to one side, so that I could see clearly and sat up.

Odd. I never normally wake up before Demi. I thought to myself.

I smiled to myself, as memories from the previous day started flooding back. I yawned, but I didn't want to go back to sleep. I was in a good mood for once and I wanted to make the most of it. I grabbed my phone, which was at the side of my bed, and checked the time. 06:24am.

Normally, I would have sighed and rolled over. However, this time, I hopped out of bed like I was on a po-go stick. My room actually looked quite tidy for once, so I didn't even have to bother with that. I slipped on some socks, so that my feet wouldn't get cold and walked out of my room. I decided to make breakfast for Demi, since she always did that for me. In the fridge was pretty much everything I needed, so I quickly fried up bacon, eggs, sausage and some baked beans. I also made her a coffee and put everything on a little tray, along with some cutlery. Wow. I'm actually not too bad at this. I told myself.

I picked up the tray and started walking towards Demi's bedroom. Her door was closed (thanks to me the night before) and I couldn't open it, because my hands were full. I laughed a little in frustration and tried to open it with my feet. Success! The door clicked open and I wondered into her room. I placed the tray on her bedside table and was about to wake her up, when something in the corner of my eye caught my attention.

It was her mirror. Not the mirror itself, but what was on the mirror. All around the edges of the mirror and and the wall behind it were pictures. But not just any pictures; they were pictures of me and Demi. I picked up the first photo and instantly smiled at the memory of me and Demi at the beach together. Her parents had taken the photo and we were making shapes with our hands. It was clear that she'd edited it, but I could still tell what it was and it made me smile.

There were a lot more photos too and each one made me smile. The one I had in my hand made me smile the most, though. I remembered everything perfectly and it made me rethink a lot of things.


I let the soft sand slip in between my toes, as I scrunched them up. I let out a small giggle at the tickling sensation. I heard a similar giggle at the side of me and I turned to see my beautiful best friend looking at me.

"It's nice, right?" She asked. I nodded and bit my lip, again looking down at the grains under my feet. I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks nearby and it satisfied me.

"You wanna go in the water?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she shook her head, telling me no. I pouted and used my puppy dog eyes.

"No! It's cold." She stated the obvious. She was acting strange. She normally loved the water.

"So? Once you're in, you'll be fine." I told her, trying my hardest to convince her.

"Nope. I don't wanna get cold." She said, rubbing her arm, uncomfortably. I didn't know what was wrong with her, but I wanted to lighten the mood.

"Too bad." I yelled, as I ran towards her. I scooped her up into my arms, whilst she was kicking and screaming.

"Put me down!" She yelled. I ignored her and ran towards the water. "Emily! I mean it! Please, put me down. I-I can't go in the water!" She said and her voice cracked on the last sentence. I looked at her and realised that she was almost crying. I instantly stopped running and put her down.

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