{Ch. 8} Cold

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Alison's Point of View:

We spent hours just walking around, looking at all the beautiful sights around us. The chill in the air gave me a strange satisfaction; it was something in which I couldn't quite explain. Something about standing in an incredibly gorgeous area with my two favorite people made me feel happier than I had ever felt. In a way, it made me feel whole. It was all I'd ever wanted.

Not just the fact that I had made two amazing friends, but the fact that I had made something more. I had a best friend. Someone who could make me laugh and actually gave me hope in the world. Then, I had my girlfriend: who was almost undescribable. It was a daze to me how she could make me feel so wanted and special.

It facinated me how fast things were going. Maybe we shouldn't have rushed into things and maybe we should have tested the waters before diving into a relationship, but that didn't mean I regretted a single thing about it.

Everything in my life was perfect. Everything was going right and it was all because of two amazing people.

"How are we going to get down the rock?" Demi questioned, snapping me out of my moment. That was actually a good question. It wasn't that high, but it was high enough to hurt if you fell down. My eyes flickered over to the tall, brunette who had clearly been in the same situation many times before.

"The exact same way we got up." Emily quickly replied. That didn't settle well for me. Getting up was hard enough when I kept peeking towards the ground. The thought of having to stare down the entire time terrified me.

"Can't we just find another way down?" Demi asked, obviously thinking very similar things to me.

"Nope." She answered, popping the 'p'. I let out a small sigh and watched, as Em sat down on the edge of the large rock. She searched for the first place to grip and had found it within a few seconds. It wasn't her fault that she didn't know I was scared and I was never going to admit that to her.

It didn't take her long before her muscular legs were set on the ground. I stared at her for a few seconds. Her confidence amazed me and surprised me at the same time. It was incredible, but not expected from the shy girl I first met.

"Come on, guys." Emily encouraged, smiling at both of us, reassuringly. I looked over to Demi who just continued to whine and giggled. I knew she would have avoided it if she could have.

"Demz, you'll be fine. I'll be right next to you the whole time." I told her, with a warm smile. She returned it and we both walked to the edge. Looking down made it worse, so I tried my best to avoid doing so.

"Just... don't look down." I said, calmly. We both lowered ourselves, until we successfully began to make our way down. I cared about Demi way more than I cared about myself, which pushed most of my fear aside. I kept stopping above her, so that I had a better view when I told her where to put her feet. I was still only halfway down when Demi's left foot slid onto the soft ground.

My fear rose again, but I managed to compose myself and keep at a steady paste. I was nearly at the bottom, when I felt gentle hands on my hips. From the soft caramel color of them, I could tell they belonged to my girlfriend. She pulled me from the rock and set me down on the ground. When my feet touched the soft surface, I felt relief flood through my body. I let out a breath I didn't really know I was holding, as I glided into Em's strong arms.

We instantly pulled away from each other and I stuffed my hands into my back pockets. "See. Easy-peasy." I told Demi with a another smile. She laughed and shook her head, as we continued walking. The rain had stopped, which was good and bad at the same time.

When we arrived back at the tents, Demi announced that she was going to go to sleep. It was pretty late. The sun was almost fully set and the moon was making its way up. Me and Em said goodnight to Demi, before watching her disappear into her tent. I loved Demi, but it was nice to have some alone time with my secret girlfriend every once in a while. After hearing soft snores, I felt my self get a little bit excited.

I looked over to Emily to see she had a smile on her face too. I walked to her side and she wrapped one of her arms around my waist. That was what I had wanted all day. I needed it. I wasn't really the type of girl to constantly crave for someone's attention. However, when it came to her, it was all I wanted.

The truth was that I'd never really been in a real relationship. They had all either been when I was young and clueless or crushing on everyone and blind to their many flaws. I wasn't used to kissing people or wanting to always be around them. I was self-concious and nervous. I didn't know if I was good at kissing her or whether she liked it when I was clingy. Everything in my life was confusing and I wished for someone to just tell me how I was doing.

I felt myself start to shiver a little, as the warmth from the sun vanished. I didn't even realize how fast the time was going. I wanted it to slow down. I wanted to stay in the moment forever.

"Do you want to start a fire?" Emily asked, clearly noticing my quaking. I nodded. Her hands slowly slipped away from me, as she went to gather everything we needed. I walked around collecting sticks and stones. It wasn't long before everything was set up and Emily was stood near the pile with a lighter. I handed her a few leaves, which she lit to get the fire started.

It wasn't long before the crackling flames grew larger and the area around us lit up like a bulb. We had made the fire near a fallen log, so that we could sit on it. I was first to test out the make-do-seat. It was cold and moist, because of the rain, but I sat on it anyway. After my butt got used to the cold surface, it was actually pretty comfy.

The only problem was that I still wasn't warm enough. I wasn't shivering, but I started to loose feeling in my fingers. However, I couldn't move any closer; if I did, the fire would burn me.

Emily sat down at the side of me and I could tell she was cold too. She had started to shiver when she looked up. Her chocolate swirls stared into my eyes and she smiled. "A-are you warm enough?" She asked me, clearly concerned. That made me smile. She was sat beside me, her teeth basically chattering, and yet she wanted to know if I was okay.

With a small giggle, I shifted closer to her. My arms draped around her and she instantly snuggled into me. My heart fluttered at the sight. It was amazing how she could do that to me, like no one else. I stroked her hair and she let out a loud sigh. I felt her physically relax in my arms.

Within a few minutes, she had stopped shaking. She sat up, but we were still tangled in each other's arms. That was where I felt safer than I had ever felt before. I knew that nothing could hurt me when I was with her and I felt like we were in our own little bubble; just me and her. We were just sat in a comfortable silence, yet I was having fun. It made sense in my head.

"You're really beautiful." She randomly told me, in a whisper voice. I felt myself lightly blush and my smile was huge. Comments like that were what made my day.

"You're really perfect." I replied, smoothly. I bit my lip, as I raised my head. My eyes met her face and I got a glance of the smile drawn onto it. I knew she was happy. I'm not saying that self-centredly, either. You could tell.

I could tell.

Without anymore words, I slowly leaned forward and pressed our lips together. I didn't feel self-conscious about whether I was doing it right. I just felt happy. For once in my life, I felt fully happy.

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