{Ch. 4} Waterfall

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Emily's Point of View:

We arrived at the gym's entrance and we both walked inside. My smile vanished, as I saw all of the people in there. There weren't that many, but there was... enough. There were around twenty other people in there and that really freaked me out.

Demi shot me an encouraging smile and it did me feel a little better. I forced a smile on my face and followed her, as she walked up to the front desk. She showed them her membership and paid them for my entry, as I wasn't a member. It was a small gym, but there were plenty of machines. After Demi had sorted everything out, we walked over to some lockers. Demi pulled three padlocks out of her bag and handed me one. After we had put our things inside, we locked them up and Demi put a padlock on the one to her right.

It was a coded padlock and they all had the same code. 2-0-0-8, since they were all Demi's and that was her birthday. The 20th of August.

"What's the extra padlock for?" I asked, as I re-tied my shoelace. She raised an eyebrow at me, like it was obvious.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you." She said, tightening her high ponytail. I tilted my head, pushing her to continue.

"Alison's coming." She told me simply. My eyes widened. For some reason, that made me feel extremely nervous. I felt like I was about to pass out. Why? I have no idea, but I did and it wasn't nice. My stomach got this weird feeling and at that moment, I just wanted to disappear. Wait, you like Ali. Why don't you want to see her? My brain questioned itself. I didn't know! I liked her a lot, but for some reason I just felt weird about the whole situation.

"Em!" Demi yelled, waving a hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. "Are you okay? I said your name like five times." She explained. Once I was fully back to reality, I quickly nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What were you saying?" I asked.

"I said what do you want to go on first?" She repeated, giggling a little bit.

"Demi, it's a gym. Not an amusement park." I replied, with a small chuckle. She laughed and gave me a small shove.

"I'm serious. What do you want to do first?" She asked.

"I don't know. You choose. You're the one who comes here all the time." I pointed out, smirking. She playfully rolled her eyes at me and giggled.

"Treadmill?" She suggested. I nodded and followed her to the corner of the room. We were both carrying our phones, ear buds and a water bottle. We both jumped onto two treadmills and started to run. I had one ear bud in and I was listening to Cool For The Summer. I never had both ear buds in when I was in a public place, because the thought of not knowing what was going on around me was strangely terrifying.

I loved the feeling of running again. I was able to block out my fears and I just focused on my legs. They were moving quickly and I found it extremely relaxing. I felt a smile creep on my face and I didn't even bother to hide it. There was a large window right in front of the treadmill I was on, which was good. If it wasn't there, I wouldn't have had anywhere else to look, therefore I would have kept looking behind me. I wouldn't have been able to enjoy myself, if it wasn't there.

"Hey, Em." I heard a soft voice say over the music in my ear. I was surprised by her and for some reason, I panicked and lost my balance. I ended up falling, but right before I could land on my butt, I felt arms around my waist. They pulled me, so that I was falling into them instead. Alison. Her arms were wrapped securely around my waist and stopped me from falling any further.

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