{Ch. 10} Dating Before The Date

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Alison's Point of View:

After the camping trip was over and we were all home, I had been feeling extremely desolate. Seeing Emily made me so happy and being without her felt abnormal. She was the ray of sunshine I had always been looking for.

I wanted to see her again, but I didn't want to just go to her house. I wanted to plan something. Without Demi (even though I loved her). I realised I had been oblivious to the biggest fact in my head; we had never been on a date. We were dating before the date. That was not allowed in my head. I had to take her on a date and it had to be perfect. Just like the person I was going on the date with. I planned everything for the next day so that I had enough time to get everything ready. I then sent Emily a text.

'Heyyy. I wanna take you out tomorrow. You free? -Ali'

I got a reply soon after.

'All day. -Em'

Everything was falling into place.

'Great! I'll pick you up at five. Don't wear anything too fancy. -Ali'

Then it was done. I texted Demi for my last few minor needs and excitement began to overtake me.

The Next Day:

Emily's Point of View:

Causal. I reminded myself, as I threw all of my clothes from my closet onto my bed. I frantically looked through the heaps of fabric on my bed. I had to look perfect. We were going on our first date and I was more nervous than ever. Nothing seemed right. I had no idea what to wear, what to say, what to do... I was freaking out! I ran a hand through my dark locks and let out a loud groan.

"What's up?" Demi asked. My eyes shot up to see her standing nearby, her body leaning against the doorframe. I was relieved to see her, yet I just wanted to focus on trying to find something to wear. I decided to ignore her presence and continued to rumble through the stacks of 'maybes'. I heard Demi's loud sigh from across the room, followed by soft footsteps. She leaned down at the side of me and placed a hand on my lower back. "Calm down. It's just a date." She told me, trying to help. She actually did the opposite.

"But it's not 'just a date'. It's our very first date." I pointed out, as I shifted away from her. My hands were moving faster and faster through the heaps. Nothing stood out. I wanted to look different. I wanted to look good.

"Will you listen to me for a sec?" She pleased, as she placed her hand on my arm. I huffed, but followed her instructions. "Do you like Alison?" She asked. Duh! I rolled my eyes and tried to continue, but was stopped once again. Now I was getting frustrated. She repeated the question. This is not helping!! I wanted to scream. It wasn't her fault I was nervous, though and I knew that. There was no reason for me to take my anger out on her. I decided to just give her a few minutes of my time.

"Of course I do." I replied, sighing for the hundredth time. She had a warm smile on her face and I had to admit; it did make me feel a lot better. She had always been able to calm me down. She rubbed my arm, comfortingly as she spoke.

"There you go. You like her. You shouldn't be nervous. You've got nothing to worry about. Everything will be perfect. I promise." She soothed. That did make sense. I was almost sure I was in love with the blonde beauty, after such a short period of time. We had been alone before, so it wasn't like we wouldn't have anything to talk about. She was perfect and I wasn't going to ruin that by panicking.

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