{Ch. 11} Beautiful

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Emily's Point of View:

"Emily." I heard someone whisper in my ear. It was a soft and giggly voice, which I instantly recognised as Alison's. Her hot breath on the side of my face sent tingles down my body. Did she really expect me to open my eyes and force her to stop what she was doing? Hell no.

"Emily." She whispered again, slightly louder this time. She put her hand on my side and nudged it a little to try and get me to open my eyes. I heard her giggle and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling. I had no idea when I had fallen asleep. I couldn't even remember closing my eyes. I was glad I had the rest, but I felt bad for leaving Alison to drive in silence.

"Emily." She repeated, quite loudly, one last time before leaving a trail of short kisses all over my face. I let out a small giggle and I knew there was no more pretending. My eyes slowly fluttered open, squinting to adjust to the bright light of the sun. Alison was looking down at my smiling and for a second, I thought she was an actual angel with all the rays of sun beaming down on her.

My smile widened, as I remembered what we were doing. This was our first date.

"You look adorable when you sleep." She whispered, smiling and biting her lip at the same time. We both giggled a little at the comment, before Alison sat up and climbed out of the car. I yawned and stretched, before reaching for the door handle. Before I could open it, Alison had walked around the car and was tugging the door on the outside. It opened with a click and Ali grabbed my hand, gently pulling me out of the vehicle. She closed the door and we intertwined our fingers. After locking the car, we started to walk and I noticed that Alison had the backpack from earlier on her shoulders. What was in that thing?

I peeled my eyes away from the bag and stared at what was in front of me. It was beautiful. The sun was setting and the sky was a magnificent mix of red and purple. I scanned the area to realise we were walking towards a beach. The ocean reflected the gorgeous colours of the sky, as it crashed against the shore. The noise was strangely satisfying and I could sit and listen to it for days.

I felt Alison's thumb stroking the back of my hand and it was one of the nicest feelings I had ever felt in my entire life. I loved it when people did that. Thumb-stroking is very important! Okay? Okay.

We stopped on the sidewalk, right before we stepped onto the sand. I looked over at the breath-taking woman beside me and smiled at the mere thought of having her all to myself. She was so beautiful and nothing could ever make me not love everything about her.

"You enjoying the view?" Alison smirked, clearly catching me staring in the corner of her eye. I rolled my eyes and gently nudged her side. She turned to face me and placed her hands on my hips. "I know I am." She whispered, leaning in and placing a soft kiss to my lips. It only lasted a few seconds and I wanted more, but I wasn't about to just ask.

After she pulled away, she removed her hands from my hips and bent down, untying her heel's strap. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and she quickly caught on. "Take off your shoes, so you don't get sand in them, doofus." She joked, with a cheeky smile. I giggled and pulled my flats off of my feet. The sidewalk was quite warm, so I didn't mind. After we had both successfully taken off our shoes, without loosing our balance and falling on our faces, we laced our fingers back together and walked onto the blanket of sand that filled the beach.

I smiled at the soft sensation of the grains flowing in between my toes. The sand was warm, but not too hot. We carried on walking, the sound of the waves quickly becoming a lot more clear. I glanced over at my girlfriend, to see that she shared my expression. We really were alike in many ways. I averted my gaze, so she wouldn't catch me staring... again.

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