{Ch. 6} Secrets

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Alison's Point of View:

This was the moment I had been waiting for. Everything I had dreamt about in the past few days was finally becoming my reality. All of the darkness that was hovering above me disappeared. It was just me and her.

Her warm forehead was pressed against mine. She stared into my blue eyes; I did the same. I loved her eyes. They were like melted chocolate swirls and they sparkled with adorableness.

Both our breathing was normal, finally. She had set me down on the ground and I was stood, pressed against the wall. Non of us spoke for a good minute.

"You're so beautiful." Emily told me. I blushed and bit my lip.

"So are you." I replied. She just smiled and then removed her forehead away from mine. Her fingers slipped into mine and she just looked at them.

"I've been wanting to kiss you since we met." I admitted. Her eyes flickered back to mine and her smile beamed brighter than the lights in the room.

"Me too." She whispered, shyly. She looked back at our hands. Then she giggled a little bit.

"She told me so." She whispered to herself. I quirked an eyebrow at the girl, making her giggle even more. It was such a beautiful sound. She was such a beautiful person.

"Demi." She told me. "She called it. She forced me to come here today when I didn't want to leave the house and she is so gonna give me the 'I told you so'... Again." She explained, letting a small chuckle escape her lips.

"Not if we don't tell her." I said, smiling at the idea that popped into my brain. "We could just keep pretending and really confuse her." I continued, amused by my own joke. Sad, I know, but you'll get over it.

"That's actually a really good idea!" She agreed, excitedly. It was a joke, but I wasn't planning on ruining her adorable moment. "We could just not tell her anything about us." She giggled. That made me start to feel nervous. What even are we? Should I ask? Should I wait? Is it too soon? I asked myself. I managed to work up the courage and just spat out what I was trying to say.

"Us?" I started. "I know it's probably really soon for this conversation, but... what are we?" I asked, tucking my bottom lip in between my teeth. She looked at the floor and slightly smiled.

"What do you want us to be?" She shot back. Ugh. Decisions. Should I just say it or should I be shy? Shy is cute, but bolder is better, right? If she didn't like me, she wouldn't have kissed me. Go for it, you fool! My brain screamed. I nodded to myself and looked back at her. There really was no hope for me compared to the beautiful girl.

"I want t-to kiss you... and I want to hold your hand... and I want to hu-hug you... and I-I wanna be with you." I stuttered like an idiot. Her smile grew, as her gaze drifted back up to my face. Good sign, right? I asked myself. My brain agreed.

"I... I want the same." She replied. My nervous smile was replaced by a happy one and I just stared at her flawless face. "Good." I muttered. Her smile was as big as Mount Everest and it lit up the room even more than the sun shining through the sparkly window.

"So... do you want to be my girlfriend?" She asked, taking me by surprise. At least I didn't have to say it.

"Yes." I mumbled and leaned closer to her. Our lips connected in a short, but passionate kiss. After it was over, she wrapped her arms around me and I did the same to her. Her body fit perfectly with mine. She was perfect.

The hug didn't last long. It was short. Too short. "We should probably go back downstairs before Demi comes up." She told me. I nodded in agreement and we parted completely. Her hand slipped away from mine and I instantly felt cold at the lack of contact. She began to walk towards the door and I followed. 

We stood outside the living room door were about to enter, when Emily stopped. She turned to face me and she had a sly smile on her face. She quickly pecked me on my lips and then put a finger to hers. She was signalling for me to shush and I was not going to disobey her orders. I actually found it quite hot. 

We walked into the living room and Demi greeted us with a smile. "Hey, where have you guys been?" She asked. Emily's eyes widened a little, as she tried to think of an excuse. Luckily for me, I had spent all of my high school years making up excuses and I was practically a natural at it.

"I was on the phone and Em came up to see what was taking me so long, but then we started talking about camping and... yeah, you get the point." I lied. She nodded in understanding. Man, I'm gooooooood. I thought to myself. Emily shot me a look that told me she thought the same. 

"Why camping?" Demi asked, raising an eyebrow at me. This time, it was Emily that rushed to answer the question. 

"Ali told me that she loves camping and that she was thinking of taking me and you one day." She explained. She wasn't too obvious, either. Bravo.

"Oh, okay. That would be fun." She replied, happily. She looked over to Emily and mimed something. I didn't know what she had said, but it was pretty obvious when I spotted Emily roll her eyes at the girl. I wanted to laugh. She had no idea.

For the rest of the day, we talked about camping. Like we actually talked about going. I wasn't just saying it to flirt with my (now) girlfriend. We decided that we should do it soon. 

That is exactly what we are going to do. 

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