{Ch. 14} The Sunset

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Alison's Point of View:

I stared down at our linked fingers, wishing for nothing more than to stay in the moment forever. We were sat side-by-side on the soft sand, ignoring every inch of the world that wasn't each other. This was my idea of perfect. Starting into the chocolate swirls of the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on, hearing nothing but the crash of the waves against the shore. Our hands were locked, tightly together. In that moment, everything else just faded away. It was just me and her. I hoped for it to always be that way. I smiled, as I stared at her breath-taking features.

"You're so beautiful." She whispered, not showing any signs of being shy anymore. Apparently, she was thinking the same thing as me. She shifted, so that she was sat behind me. My back was pressed against her front and her arms were snaked around my waist. She rested her head on my shoulder and kissed the side of my face. I stared at the water, enjoying every shiver she sent down my spine.

We stayed like that for hours, as we watched the sunset around us. That just made everything even better. The sky went from a purpley-pink, to an orangey-red to a bluey-black. I got to watch the whole sunset, feeling nothing but Emily's breath on my shoulder and her thumb gently stroking my clothed stomach. The beams of moonlight bounced off of the water, resulting in many sparkles. Everything about it was beautiful.

It amazed me how we had just been sat in silence for at least an hour and yet, I wasn't even the slightest bit bored or uncomfortable. I was just enjoying her presence behind me.

Out of nowhere, she started repeatedly kissing my cheek. I giggled and tried to hide from her tickle of affection. I buried my cheek in my shoulder, giggling harder when she started kissing all over my face instead. Physically, I was trying to avoid her ticklish actions. Emotionally, however, I wanted so much more.

The tickling was getting harder to bare, but sparks were shooting all over my body. "Em." I managed to get out, replacing my small giggles with laughter. Without warning her, I jumped to my feet and started running away from her. I looked back to see her smiling widely, as she scrambled to stand up.

The sand was making it very hard to run and to make matters worse, I had little legs that didn't consent with exercise. I kept running anyway and didn't stop, until I felt strong arms quickly wrap around my waist. I was practically thrown into the air and before I knew it, I was dangling over my beautiful girlfriend's shoulder. "Emily!" I screeched, slapping her back. I didn't even know why I was trying. First of all, I knew she wasn't going to put me down and second of all, I was enjoying the view way too much... she doesn't need to know that.

Eventually, I was slowly set down on the sand. We were both laughing, as she plopped down next to me. The next thing I knew, she had pushed me down and I was laying on my back. She moved, so that she was straddling me and I caught a glimpse of the smirk she was wearing. "Don't ever do that again." She ordered, trying her best to act serious, when I knew she was dying to laugh. I showed her a signature smirk of my own. She giggled at the gesture and shook her head from side to side.

As she did so, her hair, which was all pushed to one side, fell from behind her shoulder. Some of it brushed lightly against my face and the rest just elegantly slipped to her side. My smirk vanished and my jaw dropped in awe. I don't know what it was about that one little action, but it aroused me more than ever. To make matters worse, her fingers made their way up to my face. She trailed her fingernails delicately over my skin, before tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Are you okay?" She giggled. What she didn't know was that I was trying my absolute hardest to hide the moans that were threatening to spill from my lips, as she shifted, so that she was sat up. Our bodies pressed even further together and my eyes widened. I quickly snapped them shut hard and threw my head back onto the sand.

'Why was she doing this to me? Did she know she was doing this to me? Why was I feeling like this?' Those were the questions running through my head. I felt her weight shift back to how it was before and I let out a loud sigh. That was until I felt her left hand trailing up my side, whilst she placed a soft kiss on my neck. Without processing what I was doing, I went and did it. "Em." I moaned out. It just happened and I hadn't really realised what I was doing until it was done.

My hand shot up to my mouth and my eyes were open faster than a cheetah could run. To my surprise, Emily was wearing another one of her addictive smirks. SHE DID THIS ON PURPOSE!! I guess it serves me right... but still! I internally yelled.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the same time. "Bitch." I mumbled, cheekily. I instantly regretted that when I saw her raise a challenging eyebrow. I felt her hand move and before I could question it, my shirt was also being moved. Her hand drew circles on my stomach and lightly pressed on the areas she knew would get to me the most. I grabbed her wrist, almost immediately and tugged it out of my shirt.

"Oh, hell no. We are not doing that here." I whisper-yelled. I wished that I could take my words back, when she pushed herself away from me. I sighed, in annoyance and relief at the same time. I didn't want her to stop, but I didn't want anyone watching us tease each other, either. I stared at her and just watched, as she went around picking up all of our things. Once she had everything, she walked over to me again.

"You just gonna sit there all night?" She asked, sarcastically. I furrowed my eyebrows, but wasted no time joining her. She didn't say anything, she just started walking.

"And where exactly are we going?" I questioned, looking around us. Everywhere was empty, so I wondered how long we had been outside. I had been having so much fun, I didn't even care. I remembered Emily's sudden action and continued to watch her walk. Where was she taking me? She looked at me, as if she could read my mind.

"Somewhere we can do that."

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