{Ch. 18} Jealous

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Emily's Point of View:

"Demi... do we have to go out today?" I whined, putting on my best puppy dog eyes. She had practically given me no choice when she told me we were going to a club. I'd never been to a club in my life. First off all, they are supposedly packed all the time and I don't like interacting with people. Second, people are constantly expected to get wasted when being at one and I don't like getting drunk. I'd always been a good girl. I spent most of my time listening to sad music and crying when I couldn't reach the TV remote. I just wasn't meant for the party lifestyle and I was perfectly okay with that.

"Yes. I'm not gonna sit here and let you waste your life away. Come onnnnn! Live a little. Maybe you'll meet someone you like." She tried. I understood the point she was trying to get across. I just didn't like the point.

"I'm not 'wasting my life away'. I enjoy staying home. Plus, I'm extremely awkward when it comes to new people and I'll probably mess everything up." I blurted out, in one breath. She just rolled her eyes, clearly ignoring my point.

"If you see anyone you like, I will go up to them with you and help you out." She started. "And don't even bother making up any more excuses, because you are going!" She finished, sounding stricter than my mother. I groaned in annoyance, but ran into my room anyway. I knew she was right. I did spend too much time in the house, whether I liked it that way or not. I needed to meet new people, but I was terrified of being judged or rejected... or both.

I looked at the outfit Demi had given me to wear. It was sprawled out across my bed. As soon as I spotted it, my eyes widened. Was she trying to get me arrested for mooning? The dress didn't even look like a dress. It was sexy, but was showing off way more than I wanted to offer. I stared at it for what felt like forever. I didn't know if I could pull it off.

It was black and tight, with some sort of netting over it. It wasn't showing off that much and I knew I was being over dramatic, but dresses like that just didn't suit me. I sighed, before taking off the pyjamas that I had been wearing all week and getting into the shower. As always, I relaxed under the soft touch of the hot water trickling down my skin. I knew time was an issue, so I hopped out and wrapped a towel around my body. Drying my hair didn't take long, as it was thin and not too frizzy.

After that, I lightly curled it and slipped into my dress. It was actually pretty comfy. I stared at myself in the mirror. I just wasn't happy with how I looked. I tried pushing my hair in different directions, only to find out that it wasn't my hair at all. I just had no confidence. I wished that I had, but I didn't.

"Oh my god!" Demi squeaked, as she entered my room. Had she ever heard of knocking? She stared at me with an approving nod. "You look amazing! I don't know for sure if you're going to find anyone you like tonight, but if you do... lucky them." She told me. She had always been very straight forward when it came to me and I liked that about her. If I needed the truth, she was always the one to give me it.

I playfully rolled my eyes and thanked her, before continuing to stare at myself in the mirror. Was she seeing something that I wasn't? Did she just see beauty in everyone? Probably. However, just because she did didn't mean anyone else would. I began to grow more and more nervous. There were so many thoughts rushing through my head.

What if no one likes me?
What if no one else thinks I'm beautiful?
Why can't I just be like Demi?

"Hey, look." Demi sighed, grabbing my attention. "I know you're nervous, but you really shouldn't be. You're beautiful and everyone at this club is gonna be begging for your attention. I'll be with you the whole time, too. Stop worrying and let's go and have some fun!" She told me, excitedly. I sighed and tried my best to block all of my thoughts out. Demi deserved a good night and I knew she wasn't going without me. I put on a smile and gently nodded, earning a wide grin from my best friend.

"Awesome! Wait here, I'll be right back." She told me, running out of my room. I grabbed my phone and some money and tucked it all in my bra. If I took a bag, I would most likely end up losing it by the end of the night. I heard my bedroom door swing open, so I turned around to see Demi rushing at me with high heels in her hand. They were black and very high, but I did strangely well when it came to walking in them.

"I don't know if I like 'em." I muttered, pacing in my room to make sure I wouldn't fall. They were very nice, but I didn't know if I liked the way they looked on me. Demi ignored me and continued to tell me that I looked amazing. I didn't believe her, but I wasn't going to tell her that. She left to go get ready and when she came back, I was in awe. She looked so pretty in her dress. It was red and very tight. It showed off her beautiful body easily. I wished to look as good as her.

"You look so beautiful." I told her, smiling. I felt proud. Proud that I had a best friend as gorgeous as her and proud that I had a best friend with an amazing personality too. She thanked me, before rushing around to get everything she needed.

"Okay, I'm ready. You?" She asked, pulling her dress down a little. I nodded, even though I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. It made me feel stupid to think that I was jealous of the way my best friend looked, but then again most people on Earth would get jealous of the way she looked.

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