{Ch. 19} Forgetting

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Emily's Point of View:

I stared out of the window, seeing nothing but darkness. The moon's gorgeous light gently shone down, illuminating the streets with a small mystery. It was quite foggy outside, creating a grim effect.

I'd never been afraid of the dark or rather, what lurks there. I've grown to realise that it's not actually the dark that scares us; it's our imagination. We think of all the worst possible scenarios and push ourselves to believe that everything is out to get us. The less we think about it, the braver we become.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the Uber we were in came to a halt. I took a deep breath and decided to just suck it up. The only reason I was even there was for Demi, so what was the point in ruining the night for her?

We had just been to get a pizza, because Demi told me that it's not a good idea to drink on an empty stomach.

I thanked the driver and then we got out of the car. I waited for Demi to catch up to me and we walked towards the club door. "You okay?" She asked, looking up at me. It was almost as if she felt guilty for bringing me with her. I nodded and smiled, settling on the idea of trying my best to have fun. She looked relieved. We passed the security guard, after showing them our IDs. I understood why he asked for Demi's, but did I really look under twenty-one?

I almost had a heart attack when I caught a glimpse of how many people were inside. There were people everywhere. Some were dancing, some were drinking, some were talking, some were sat in booths, some were with the DJ, etc. It was filled to the brim with drunken adults and a few teenagers who must've slipped their way inside. I could feel the vibration of the music through the floorboards and it sent a weird rush of excitement through my body. The multi-coloured lights were flashing all around the room and giving way more life to it. I instantly recognised the song as 'Thunder' by Imagine Dragons.

Everyone on the dance floor was pumping their fists in the air as they waited for the drop. Meanwhile, Demi pulled me towards the bar. We managed to squeeze our way to the front, where the bartender was stood. "What can I get you gorgeous ladies?" He asked, with a flirty smile. I ignored it and thought about the drink I wanted. Demi was the first to decide, as always. She asked for a cocktail and then glanced over at me, awaiting my decision.

"I'll... I'll have a tequila, please." I quickly answered. Why not get a little drunk? Drunk was better than sad. Demi furrowed her eyebrows and looked over to me, as the bartender wondered off to go and make the drinks. "What? I'm having fun." I told her, innocently. I was very close to her ear, so that she could hear me over the music. She didn't seem convinced. "I won't have too many drinks and I'll stay near you the whole time. I'm just trying to forget." I explained. She sighed, but nodded her head and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Just please be careful. Oh and you're not gonna enjoy that." She shouted, as our drinks were placed on the counter in front of us. I ignored her comment. I took the small glass in my hand and quickly threw all of the liquid down my throat. I instantly regretted doing so. It tasted like petrol and burnt my throat. I pulled a sour face and stuck out my tongue in disgust. It was definitely the worst thing I had ever tasted. I slammed the glass on the table and felt like I was about to choke.

"Hot." Yelled the bartender with a smirk. Hot? What was hot about that? I felt like laughing at him. 'I'm as straight as a roundabout.' I internally screamed. I thought about saying it out loud. It would probably earn a few laughs, but then again, he was the one serving my beverages. He could do whatever he wanted to them. Better not.

I needed something a little nicer to wash away the lingering taste in the back of my throat. "Can I have a... Martini, please?" I ordered, luckily making the bartender disappear again. As soon as he came back, I paid for the drinks and dragged Demi away. We found ourselves in the middle of the dance floor, where everyone was now dancing to 'Havana' by Camila Cabello. I pushed my way through the crowd of people, pulling Demi closely behind me. I found a free booth and we rushed to sit down.

"This place is awesome!" I yelled, the smile on my face not even slightly fake. Demi also had a huge grin on her face. "Thank you for bringing me here!" I screamed, making sure she heard me. She just smiled in response, as she clearly couldn't be bothered yelling. We stayed at the table for a while, just watching people dance, as we occasionally sipped from our drinks.

I saw a guy walking towards us. He was wearing dark blue jeans, a white shirt and a black blazer jacket. He looked really smart. His black hair was spiked up and he had light stubble surrounding his chin. He was a good looking guy and I immediately smirked at Demi when I saw he was looking at her. I saw her bite her lip and she looked as if she was giggling, but I couldn't hear. The guy arrived at our table, his eyes locked on Demi.

I caught a glimpse of Demi taking another sip of her drink, before glancing up at him and meeting his brown eyes. "Hi." She yelled, as she ran a hand through her hair. She held out her other hand and he took it, giving it a light shake.

"I'm Jacob." He told her, clearly admiring Demi's features. He was wearing a big smile that I bet a lot of ladies admired. I was fascinated, but not attracted. He was a good looking guy, but as you know, I didn't swing that way.

"I'm Demi." She shouted back, her grin practically eating her face. I smiled, at her nervousness. He couldn't tell she was nervous, but I could. She was biting her lip, tapping her fingers and gulping a lot. All the things she did when she was nervous.

"That's a beautiful name." He commented, making her smile again. It was nice to see her smile over a guy. Her smile was pretty and I didn't get to see it often. That was mostly because of me.

"Thanks. I got it for my birthday." She joked, taking another sip of her drink. He laughed and then rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, as if he was nervous. He cleared his throat, before speaking again. Demi looked like she found it amusing.

"Do... uh... Do you wanna... Do you wanna dance?" He finally managed to get out, smiling nervously. Demi looked over to me, as if asking for permission. I nodded extremely fast. I didn't know why she was even asking me, but I wasn't going to let her throw away a great opportunity. She looked back up to him and nodded.

"Yes." She yelled, giggling. He bit his lip and held out his hand, which she quickly grabbed. She waved at me and I waved back, before watching them find a spot on the dance floor.

I didn't stare at them, because I figured that would be weird. Instead, I continued to sip from my drink and tap my hands in the beat of the music. I began to think about things a little more than I wanted to and I needed to find an escape. Drinks. I shot up from my seat and made my way over to the bar. After waiting for a few minutes, I was stood in-front of the same bartender as before.

"Hey, gorgeous. What can I get you?" He asked. He put down the glass that he had previously been drying and smirked, as his eyes trailed down my body. I felt extremely uncomfortable, but stayed silent anyways.

"Another tequila, please." I replied, looking down at my hands. The last one was disgusting, but I could taste how strong it was and I needed to forget everything. Forgetting was the only thing I could think of. I wasn't the type of person to hook up with someone to get over a breakup, so the thought didn't even cross my mind. If I didn't want to cry, I had to drink. It was literally the only thing I could think of.

Before I had even realised he had gone, the flirty bartender placed my drink in front of me. I didn't want to think anymore. I grabbed the drink and did the same as before, gulping all the contents of the small beverage in one.

The next thing I knew, there were several empty glasses in-front of me and my stomach was turning. "Another one please." I ordered, throwing the only full glass's liquid down my throat. My throat was growing used to the burning sensation and I was actually enjoying myself. My breathing hitched in my throat when I heard one of my favourite songs come on. 'Love So Soft' by Kelly Clarkson.

I didn't even care who was watching anymore. I started to bop my head, which was already spinning. The bartender placed another tiny drink on the counter and I was about to grab it, when someone else did. A pale hand pushed the drink away from me and back towards the bartender. I was about to yell, but they spoke first.

"I think you've had enough." A gentle voice whispered in my ear. I then felt her warm hands on my waist, where she pulled me into her arms. She steadied me, so that I could turn around. She had never looked so beautiful in her life.

"Alison." I mumbled, before wrapping my arms around her neck and pulling her closer to me.

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