{Ch. 7} The Trip

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Alison's Point of View:

"Em, will you hurry up?!" Demi yelled from the living room where we were sat. I heard Emily groan from her room, making me giggle. Demi was surprisingly quick when it came to getting ready. I had arrived around five minutes before.

"I'm coming!" Emily yelled back, as I heard her bedroom door swing open. Demi rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Finally." She muttered and slung her backpack over her shoulder. They were hilarious. They literally spent most of their time trying to offend each other. It never worked, but that didn't mean it wasn't extremely entertaining.

After we all grabbed our things, we went outside and started loading our bags into Demi's car. "Geez, Demi. We're only going for two nights, we're not moving into the tents." Emily sassed, over exaggerating how heavy the bag was.

"I haven't got that much stuff." Demi stated, trying to defend herself. Emily put a hand on her hip and stared at the girl.

"I could bench lift that bag." Emily said, smirking. Demi just rolled her eyes and I began to load my things in as well.

"Here, let me get that for you." Emily said, as she grabbed the bag that was in my hand. I smiled, as she carefully placed it in the back of the car. She then did the same with the rest of my bags and all the other things we had chose to take.

"I call shotgun on the back seat." Demi yelled. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Why do you want to sit in the back seat?" I asked.

"Because I just find it comfier. Plus, if I get tired, I can lay down." She explained. That made sense. Demi slept more than anyone I'd ever met in my life.

Emily climbed into the drivers seat and me and Demi climbed into ours. "Your chair is so far forward." Emily stated, as she fidgeted around with it.

"It's not my fault! I have small legs. Why are you bullying me?" Demi whined.

"Hush, Umpa Lumpa." Emily ordered, making me burst out with laughter. The engine roared to life and we set off on our four hour car journey. Demi quickly fell asleep, which was no surprise to me or Emily.

I kept staring at Em. She honestly was so beautiful. I loved everything about her. She was wearing an oversized hoodie, similar to mine. However, her's was black and mine was red. She was then wearing tight skinny jeans too, which showed off her shapes perfectly. Even though she wasn't all dressed up, she was still the most gorgeous person I had ever seen in my life.

I smiled, as I remembered she was my girlfriend. She was mine. I could hold her hand and I could kiss her whenever I wanted to. I could get jealous and she would understand. Being jealous would be okay. Because she was mine.

"You like the view?" Emily asked, sarcastically, snapping me out of my thoughts. She was grinning as she glared at the road in front of her.

"In matter of fact... I do." I replied. I caught her rolling her eyes, but her smile didn't decrease at all. "Oh, so you think now Demi's asleep you can bully me?" I cockily whispered.

"Pretty much." She said, nodding her head. This time it was me who rolled their eyes. She giggled a bit and my entire heart melted. Why does she have to be so damn adorable? I asked myself.

She shot me a giggly glance and I just smiled. "I hate you." I joked, looking away from her and into the distance. That was the complete opposite of the truth.

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