{Ch. 15} You Again

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Emily's Point of View:

We were walking for a few minutes, when Alison yawned. It was pretty late. It was almost pitch black, if you didn't count the faint street lights in the distance. There weren't that many people on the pier, due to the time. I looked over to the beautiful girl beside me and she did look pretty worn out. She was stumbling across the wooden floor like a zombie. I smiled to myself, just staring at her. She looked up to me with a sleepy smile and rubbed her left eye. She was like a little girl and she was so fricken cute! I put my hand out, signalling for her to stop. She came to a stop and furrowed her eyebrows. At this point, we both had our shoes on and the only things I had on me were two towels.

"You want a piggy back?" I offered, making her smile widen. She literally resembled a child in so many ways. She bit her lip and nodded, clearly still tired. Her dimples gave me all the energy I needed. I bobbed down and waited until she was on my back to stand up. She wrapped her hands around my neck from behind and I hooked mine under her legs. I made sure she was safely placed, before starting to walk. We walked in silence and she rested her chin on my shoulder. I nuzzled her face and she giggled, but didn't move. She lightly kissed my cheek and giggled again. My heart was fluttering like crazy and she was making me weak at the knees. The last thing I wanted to do was drop her, so I shook myself out of my trance and continued to walk.

We must have been walking for a few minutes, before I heard a sharp gasp behind me. I turned my head lightly to look at Alison and her eyes were wide. I was extremely confused, as I tried to follow her gaze. I felt her nails digging into my skin and I could practically feel her panicking. "Put me down." She whispered, her voice shaky. I did as she wished and turned around to face her. She was literally shaking and almost hyperventilating.

"Alison, what's wrong?" I asked, starting to also panic because she was panicking. I put one of my hands on the side of her face, over her hair. She didn't reply, just stared past me like before. I turned around to see a woman stood there. She was pretty. She had light brown hair, with some streaks of blonde here and there. She was tall and wearing quite a lot of makeup. I felt Alison move closer to me. She wrapped herself around my left arm, like a lost child. I looked into her eyes and saw nothing but fear.

Who is this woman?

"Em." She practically whimpered. I ignored the sight of the petite woman and turned my full attention to Alison.

"Who is that?" I asked, quietly. Alison didn't answer, just gripped my arm tighter, as the sound of high heels clicking against the wooden ground filled the air. I took Alison's hand in my own and comfortingly rubbed my thumb over her smooth skin. I turned around to see the woman now stood only a few feet away from us. She had a smile on her face that showed me she knew Alison. It was a cocky smile. I wanted to wipe it off of her face with my fist.

"Can I help you?" I asked, confidently. I wasn't scared of the woman at all. Alison's reaction was what scared me. I had never seen her look more terrified. I was doing everything I could to make her feel better, but she looked absolutely devastated.

"Emily Katherine Fields." She muttered, leaving me in a slight trance. "Demetria Devonne Lovato is your best friend, correct?" She asked, smirking. I made sure my expression didn't change at all, but inside, I was freaking out. How does this creep know me and Demi and what does she want with Alison?

"Her name's Demi." I corrected, wearing a smirk of my own. There was no way in hell I was going to let this chick get into my head. Her smirk dropped lightly, when she realised I wasn't intimidated by her. However, it quickly grew back as she turned her attention to the blonde beauty beside me.

"Alison." She called. I caught Alison's eyes flicker from the ground to the woman, pure fear and rage being the only thing I could see in them.

"Paige." She replied, trying her best to act brave. I continued to stroke her hand with my thumb and it seemed to be helping her in some way. I couldn't quite work out who Paige was in my head, but something about her just didn't seem right.

"Long time no see." Paige commented, looking Alison up and down. I could tell Alison was uncomfortable, but I couldn't do anything because of Alison's grip on my hand. She was petrified of this girl.

"That was kinda the aim." She snarled, rolling her eyes. I felt like giggling at that, but I decided that probably wasn't the best idea, considering the situation. Ooooo, you just got burnedddddd. I was internally screaming. I felt like scolding myself. Paige didn't seem affected by the words Alison said, but something told me Alison was regretting it. She moved a little closer to my side, now gripping my hand with both of hers.

"You scared, princess?" Paige teased. I wanted to throw her off the pier and feed her to the sharks. I thought about it in my head. Most likely illegal.

"Okay. First of all, don't call her princess again. Second of all, wipe that smirk off of your face, before I wipe it off for you." I butted in. Once again, I had no idea who this chick was, but she was not about to ruin my day. She rolled her eyes, but her smirk changed to a cocky smile. Not much better... I'd prefer her to cry, but oh well.

"I wasn't talking to you." She shot back. Is this bitch looking for a fight? I asked myself, anger spreading through my entire body. I had never been one to use violence, but I wanted to see that snarky woman on the floor more than anything in the world.

"Who even are you?" I interrogated, raising my voice a little. She looked surprised. Her smirk grew back and she looked at Alison, questioningly. Alison put her head down again and that was a sight that made my blood boil.

"You didn't tell your girlfriend about me, Alison? I'm offended." She joked. Not funny. Alison just groaned in annoyance and lightly squeezed my hand. "I'm Paige Mcullers. Me and Alison used to date... didn't we, Alison?" She told me, clearly annoying Alison by pointing out the fact. That's when it hit me. She used to date Alison... making her Alison's ex. I clenched my jaw, thinking about it.

"Emily. Don't." Alison warned, looking at me with pleading eyes. She could feel me tensing up. I wanted to knock that Paige girl off her feet... and not in the good way. Alison was one of the very few people I cared about and if I cared about someone, I would never let anything happen to them.

"This is your ex?" I scoffed. I wanted to taunt her a little. I glared at Paige. "I thought you'd look a little more intimidating." I told her. She just glared back at me, her smirk lowering every time I spoke.

"And why would you think that?" She asked, biting her lip and staring at Alison again. She could tell it was annoying me and doing it for that exact reason. Two can play at that game.

"Well, you know... psychopaths are normally frightening. You're just... pathetic." I challenged. Her eyes shot back to me and if looks could kill...

"You don't know who you're talking to." She yelled, making me roll my eyes. Was that really the best she had?

"Necessarily, I do know who I'm talking to. You're Paige Mcullers, the crazy ex of my girlfriend." I remarked, internally high fiving myself.

"You have no idea what I'm capable of." She told me, smirking again. I felt Alison start to shake again and I quickly wrapped my arm around her. She still clung to it like a koala.

"Lucky me... anyway, I'm going to get going if you don't mind. I was having a great night before you came along, so why don't you just run back to wherever you came from?" I cockily shot down the conversation. I just wanted to run away with Alison and never look back.

"Actually, I have some unfinished business with Alison that I need to take care of." She responded, flashing Ali an annoying smile. I heard Ali gulp, before watching her lower her head once again.

"Too bad." I replied, pulling Alison completely away from the tall woman. I heard her shout something, but I had already blocked her out at that point.

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