{Ch. 12} You Like Egg?

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Emily's Point of View:

"So what are we gonna do now?" I asked, starring at the unbelievable view. This was the kind of place you'd see in a really fancy movie. Everything about it felt unnatural to me. I wasn't used to fancy things, but I could get used to it for Alison.

"I don't know. You wanna cook something together?" She suggested, looking from the bag in her hand to me. Her smile lit up the room like a torch.

"I'd love to." I replied, slightly distracted by her beautiful features. She started walking and held out her hand, motioning for me to follow her. We walked into the kitchen and she instantly jumped up to sit on the counter. Her legs were swinging back and forth, making a gentle tapping sound every time her heel collided with the hard surface.

"What do you wanna cook?" She asked, smiling widely. Her dimples popped and I felt my heart melting at the sight. I bit my lip and leaned against the counter opposite her, almost falling over in the process.

"I don't know. You can choose." I mumbled, placing my palms on the counter behind me. She squinted her eyes, as if she was thinking. Then she started to rub her chin like a crazy scientist. She looked at me and I could tell she was trying to hold back laughter. "You're such a dork." I swooned over her adorable gestures. She giggled and then went into actual thought. I stared at her intently.

"Pizza?" She suggested, shrugging as if that was the only thing she could think of. Pizza was my favourite food and there was no way I was going to turn down an offer to make my own. Alison and pizza: two beautiful things. I was quick to agree and Alison started pulling ingredients out of all sorts of places. We started cooking and it was much easier than I thought it was going to be.

"What's your favourite topping?" She asked, eyeing me from the side of the room. It was as if she smiled every time she looked at me and the thought made me blush like crazy.

"I like everything." I explained, turning my face away from her, so that she couldn't see my red cheeks. I could still feel her watching me and I tried to focus on making the dough, but all I wanted to do was kiss her. Every second of every day for the rest of my life. However, that's probably extremely unhealthy and kinda weird.

I looked at the bag of flour next to me and got an idea. A cheeky smirk grew on my face, as I slipped my hand into the bag and collected a huge lump of the white and fluffy powder. Alison looked over to me, but before she could ask what I was doing, I had already thrown all the flour from my hand at her face. I laughed at the snowman in front of me and had to grab my stomach. She just stood there with her mouth in the shape of an 'O'.

"Oh my god..." She mumbled, puffing out loads of flour in the process. That only made me laugh even more. I fell to the ground with laughter and a very mischievous smirk grew upon her gorgeous face. She grabbed something, which I couldn't quite see and hid it behind her back. The next thing I knew, she was sat on my stomach, straddling my hips. Her left hand was still behind her back and I was now laughing more from the pressure. Her weight on my stomach made me laugh and gasp at the same time. Suddenly, she revealed what she had in her hand and dangled it in front of my face.

"Ali, no!" I yelled, trying to squirm out of her tight lock. I tried to push her legs off of me, but she ended up pushing my arms under her legs, so that I couldn't move at all. "I'm sorry!" I screamed, trying to burry my face in my shirt. It was no use. I was still in hysterics, but I was finding it hard to breath. The laughing was painful, but I couldn't stop it and really didn't want to. The smirk on her face only grew. "Ali, please! Noooo!" I screamed, like I was about to be murdered. My eyes slipped shut and I felt like begging her.

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