{Ch. 16} The Saddest Word

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Emily's Point of View:

We got back to Alison's cabin and I quickly rushed inside, locking the door behind us. I had so many thoughts rushing through my head, but I decided not to think about it. There was some one I cared a lot more about than my thoughts. "Alison." I called. She didn't turn around. She was staring out of the window, motionless. "Are you okay?" I asked, walking up behind her. Again, she didn't reply. I placed my hands on her hips from behind and was surprised when she turned around. She had tears running down her face and her eyes already looked red and puffy.

My hands shot up to her face and I quickly wiped her marks of sadness away with my thumbs. She had no response. She just stared at me. I hated it. I didn't know what to do. What was anyone supposed to do in that situation? The only thing I could think of was wrapping my arms around her and pulling her body into mine. "Alison. It's gonna be oka-" I started, but she quickly cut me off.

"No, it's not!" She yelled, pushing me away from her. I furrowed my eyebrows. I knew she was hurting, but I hadn't expected that from her. She looked at me again for a brief second. It wasn't long, but it was long enough for me to see the pain, sadness and guilt built up inside her eyes. I felt like crying myself. I heard her take a few deep breaths, before she turned around to face me again.

"I'm so sorry." She told me. I didn't understand. What did she have to be sorry for? In my eyes, she'd done nothing wrong. She just looked angry.

"Ali, it's fi-" I started, but was once again cut off by a raging blonde girl who looked like she was about to smack a bitch.

"No, it's not! That psycho has been messing with me for years. I'm not going to let her hurt anyone again!" She screamed. However, as soon as those words rolled off of her tongue, a depressed look took over her face. More tears rolled down her beautiful features, but she didn't make a sound.

"What do you mean again?" I questioned. Had Paige hurt anyone except Alison? At this point, curiosity was gushing through my body.

"Emily..." She began. She took a deep breath and gave me a sympathetic look. "Paige hasn't just hurt me. She attacked my brother once, too and she could have killed him if my mom didn't show up. Then, she did the same thing with my best friend..." She trailed off, clearly trying to work up the courage to get out what she was trying to say. "Point is... every time I get close to someone, she ends up hurting them. I'm not gonna let that happen to you." She announced. My heart almost stopped at the last sentence. I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Wait... what are you saying?" I managed to get out, as tears pooled up into my eyes. I knew exactly what she was saying and it killed me inside. My breathing started to speed up and I felt like I was having a panic attack.

"I'm sorry, Emily. I'm doing this to protect you..." She tried to soothe me, but it was no use. I was already in hysterics. She was also crying, but I couldn't even focus on her tears because of the large pain circulating in my chest.

"No..." I sobbed. "Please don't leave me!" I begged, wrapping my arms around her. I must've looked pretty pathetic, but that was the last thing on my mind. The only thing I could think about was how much I didn't want her to go.

"I'm sorry, Emily... I have to go." She told me, sniffling from her own sadness, as well as mine. She gently slipped away from my grip and grabbed her things. I couldn't even think straight.

"Alison, please! I'll do anything! I love you so much, please don't go." I whined, my breathing was slowing, but my heart felt like it was about to pound through my skin. I didn't want to go back to my old, depressed self. I wanted to be happy... with Alison.

"Em, there's nothing you can do. This isn't your fault." She tried to convince me. I looked at her and could see that she was about to break down. I didn't want to be hard, but my heart was shattering into a million pieces with every step she took towards the door. Eventually, I just fell to the floor. I hugged my knees close to my chest and let out the crying mess. "Leave the key under the plant pot outside. I've left you some cash, so you can get an Uber home." She explained. I heard her footsteps start to fade away, but there was nothing I could do. My body just wouldn't move.

"Emily." I heard her call, after she opened the door. I looked up, only to regret the decision instantly. Her face was flooded with tears and her lip was literally quivering. How could I have been so selfish? She was trying to break up with me and I was causing her all this pain. A huge wave of guilt washed over me, but I still couldn't move or say anything. "I love you too." She mumbled, her voice cracking. I wanted nothing more than for all her pain to go away, even though she was the person causing me mine. I looked back down at my knees and bowed my head in shame.

"Goodbye." She whispered, before shutting the door. That was the saddest word I had ever heard. As she said that word, I felt my heart split into two. It was weird. I felt as if half of my heart was trying to keep my body from breaking down, while the other half was slamming against my chest, begging to burst out and follow my soulmate. I felt physical pain, instead of just emotional and the whole world just seemed to stop.

I sobbed and sobbed, until I literally felt my eyes getting sore. It must have been around an hour, until I had finally calmed down. I staggered onto my weak feet and made my way over to my phone. I didn't even know who I had called. I had just clicked my last caller.

"Hello." I heard Demi's voice on the other end of the call. I felt relief and sadness all at the same time. She was going to be able to comfort me, but I'd have to tell her what happened. Explaining it to her meant reliving it. After a few seconds of silence, I heard myself start to cry again. I tried to wipe my tears away, but they were too fast for me to even keep up with. "Em, what's wrong?" I heard a soft voice ask.

"Demi... can you come and get me?"

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