{Ch. 13} Fears

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Emily's Point of View:

By the time we had both changed into our clothes, the pizza was almost ready. It didn't take us long to start devouring the delicious food. We were sat on the sofa, whilst music was lightly playing in the background.

So don't say you miss me,
When you don't call.
And don't say you're hurting,
Without the scars.
Don't promise me tonight,
Without tomorrow too.
Don't say you love me,
Unless you do.

I gently hummed along to the soft song that I knew every lyric to. Alison was also humming, as she chewed her meal. "You like Fifth Harmony?" I asked, after I had swallowed the food that was in my mouth. She nodded lightly with a smile.

"Have done for years." She replied, simply. Music had been my escape, when I just needed a break from life. I would listen to it constantly, even right before I jumped into the pool at swimming practise. Fifth Harmony was one of my favourite bands and it was nice to know someone else liked them too.

We didn't really say anything else to each other, until we had finished our food. Alison loaded the plates into the dishwasher and then came back to the sofa. She was stood up in front of me, with her arms outstretched. I grabbed her hands and she pulled me to my feet. Our bodies were extremely close to one another and her smile was giving me butterflies.

"You wanna go to the beach?" She suggested, her eyes flickering down to my lips. Her breath was hot on my face and sent chills down my spine. I nodded, lightly and bit my lip. Her dimples stood out like they were made of gold and I felt as if I was about to faint just from the view I had. "Then go get ready." She whispered in my ear.

I quickly obeyed her orders and made my way to the bedroom. I found Demi's bikini, after ruffling through the bag and put it on underneath my clothes. No matter how much I felt like slapping Demi in the face, I laughed at the thought of her cheeky grin when I would next walk through the door. I grabbed the rest of my things and walked into the living room, where Alison was singing softly. I tried to be as quiet as I could, when tip-toeing towards the beautiful girl. I'd never heard her sing before, but as soon as I was close enough to actually hear her properly, I realised how great her voice was. It was a raspy, yet strong tone.

She was messing around with something on the counter, facing away from me. I patiently waited for the song to end, not wanting to disturb her mini concert. The last note faded out and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped a little, but soon relaxed at my touch. "I didn't know you could sing." I whispered, lightly kissing her neck. She shivered at the feeling and sighed.

"I don't sing a lot." She responded, placing her hands on top of mine. She leaned back so that our bodies were pushed tightly together and I continued to peck her neck.

"Well you should. You're voice is amazing." I told her. I stopped kissing her neck and pressed the side of our faces together. She leaned on me and it felt so good, so relaxing and just so... right.

"Thank you." She replied, smiling. I also smiled as I breathed in her delicious scent. She looked so cute. I pecked her cheek multiple times and she started giggling. After I had stopped kissing her cheek, I rested my head on her right shoulder.

"I love you." She randomly stated, making me smile like a child with candy. I pecked her cheek one last time.

"I love you more." I told her, genuinely meaning every word I said. She turned around and lightly brushed her lips against mine. My mind begged me to go for more, but my heart told me it wasn't that kind of moment. She pulled away and grabbed my hand. Our fingers were locked together and she grabbed a few things.

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