~Chapter 1~

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Mito's point of view.

"Naruto!!!" You probably wondering why I'm yelling my brother's name, well, for one thing, I can't find him and the other thing is, he painted the Hokage faces and I'm trying to get to him before Iruka-sensei. Finding him though became easy when I was close enough to smell the paint on him. When Iruka and several other Chunins and Jonins ran by I came out of my hiding spot and grabbed him from behind his disguise.

"You're an idiot." I hissed at him as I dragged him to class by the ear. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Mii-chan! Let go! my ear doesn't stretch that way!" But I ignored him and kept going. Getting to class we were yelled at and I grumbled as I sat in my usual spot next to Sasuke, he gave me a discreet apologetic look and I nodded slightly. Brushing my bangs from my face I let out a tired sigh and leaned on my hand as I forced myself to pay attention.

"Now class, because Naruto and Mito had missed the lesson we're going to redo it, now please come stand at the front of the class so we may go over the transformation jutsu." students grumbled and I let my head fall and smack on the table, Sasuke nudged me and I got up. Following him down the steps Kiba stood next to me and gave me his usual wolfie grin as Akamaru barked happily at me.

As usual, I pulled out some dog treats and gave them to the little dog who thanked me with a small bark and a few licks to my fingers. Sakura Haruno going first, smiled at Sasuke and I made gagging noises as she was disgusting in her obsession with Sasuke. He is a nice enough dude but the way half the girls pined after him was nauseating. She growled at me in a very un-lady-like manner.

Realizing what she had done in front of Sasuke she blushed insanely and finished her transformation, doing an almost perfect copy of Iruka. Sasuke going next made an impressive Iruka. Passing him as well, I moved to go next as I was after him, hands up in the correct position I transformed into the Hokage. As he is much more detailed it would get me a better grade to have transformed into some one like him.

"Lord Hokage, very impressive, Mito." Iruka praised and then Naruto went next. Seeing what he was going to do I got really pissed off, Iruka had a nose bleed when Naruto performed his Sexy Jutsu. Which is basically me older and naked. "Na-ru-to!" I said growling out each syllable in his name when he transformed back he gulped in fear and chuckled nervously. Clenching my fist I cracked him over the skull.

"Cut the crap!!" I roared and he flinched. Excusing myself Iruka didn't mind, I had done as he asked and wasn't behind in his classes as Naruto was so me not going wasn't as bad.


Sitting at the dock in the abandoned Uchiha district I watched the sunset, my feet drawn into my chest as I relaxed. Naruto would be busy cleaning and knowing Iruka he'd take my brother out for Ramen later so I didn't need to cook for us when I got home. "I knew I'd find you here." Turning to the familiar voice of Sasuke I smiled slightly, "I'm I that predictable?" I asked taking his offered hand as he pulled me up.

"No, but I've known you long enough to know when you're tired and have free time." I chuckled. "That's good to know." he shrugged, "Come on, I'll do the cooking tonight." nodding I followed him to his place and we basically spent the majority of the evening talking and eating and doing what we usually do when I have no one to take care of.


The next day at school was the exam, which was a regular clone jutsu. I thought it was simple enough, and didn't have much trouble learning it and the replicating it, but it was Naruto's worst Jutsu and was the downfall to his three tries on this test. As a good sister, I always declined my headband saying I wouldn't take it until Naruto got his own, so he'd never be alone. Sasuke would scold me saying I'm too easy on Naruto.

He's right, I am. But he's my brother, there isn't anything I wouldn't do to be with him. Or at least I don't think there is. "Mito, if he fails again you're just going to suffer too, you know that right?" Sasuke said and I nodded, "But that's what family is for. If you were my brother I'd do the same for you." he blushed a bit and I frowned, "You okay?" he nodded and left when his name was called.

About 20 minutes passed and six rookies had gone and done their exams, I was next and got up when I was called. "Mito Uzumaki." going into the other room I smiled at Iruka. "Hello Mito, we already know you can perform the jutsu, so you're still going to wait on your brother?" I nodded. "Then we'll give you yours when he passes, or if he passes." I smirked. "I think he will this year." Iruka smiled and nodded, "I hope so too. For both your sakes." I shrugged and left the room.


As it turns out he didn't pass and was now slightly missing. Hearing that he had stolen the secret scroll I was going to got and stop him but as I was at Sasuke's when Iruka-sensei told me. About to run out and find him, Sasuke grabbed my arm and swung me back towards himself. Crashing against his chest I looked up at him, confused by his sudden closeness.

"Don't go." He mumbled. "If you go I know your get hurt because of him." He said, but I reminded him. "He's my brother, and he needs me." not stopping me a second time I chased after my brother. Finding his Chakra signature easily as it was almost identical to mine he was about to be hit with a giant shuriken.

Iruka-sensei had shouted at him to get down and moved to protect him but because of previous wounds wasn't fast enough, getting there first it would seem Sasuke was right. I did get hurt, in pain and hunched over my brother with a Shuriken in my back I couldn't stay awake as I felt waves of weakness wash over me as the blood loss had caused me to pass out.


I don't know how long it was but when I woke up I was sore and groggy. "Mii-chan!" Naruto shouted as he is the only that calls me 'Mii-chan'. "Ow, Naruto. Careful I still hurt." Slobbering into my hospital shirt he didn't listen and I sighed and just patted his head to calm him down. "Oh, your awake." Iruka-sensei said walking into my hospital room. "Yeah I just woke up." he smiled. "Thank you for what you did yesterday." I waved him off and winced as it tugged sore skin.

"Here I believe this is for you." Iruka said holding out a blue leaf forehead protector. "But-?" He shook his head, "Naruto passed last night after stopping Mizuki and saving you and me." I smiled and looked down expecting to see a grinning face but all I got was a snoring snotty face. Rolling my eyes I pulled him into my bed and let him sleep. "Thank Iruka-sensei. For everything." he blushed at me and I giggled.

Mito Uzumaki - Naruto's twin sister. [Sasuke Uchiha Love Story]{Complete}Where stories live. Discover now