~Chapter 11~

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Mito's point of view.

The next morning we all met up at the entrance to the 44th battle training zone, a very cheery place. Note the sarcastic tone. Naruto and the other were new to the place, for myself, it had become a hiding place for me, on several accounts when I was a child. So going back in was nothing for me. "Whoa, nice place, what is it?" Naruto asked looking around.

Anko at the front of the group smirked devilishly, "This is the second location of the second exam. It's a 44th battle training zone. But we call it the Forest of Death." Frightened beyond compare Naruto mumbled, "Forest of Death?" in confusion. I chuckled and set my hand on his shoulder only making him jump in fright at the suddenness of my touch.

Looking away from me he noticed a square rock with eye holes. Frowning at the box, I stepped into its blind spot and kicked over the box to reveal Konohamaru and his team. The box exploded and blew gunpowder smoke everywhere, getting up the did their introductions but in the middle of Konohamaru's I grabbed all three of them in a bear hug and hugged them.

Shouting about an interview with us, as I was squeezing them and tickling them Sasuke's hand on my shoulder had me set them down. "How come you had me put them down?" I asked him, sighing he just shook his head and just pulled me over to the side. Asking Naruto to do the interview he pondered before agreeing to it because Anko had come over to see what was going on.

I rolled my eyes as she called for a ten-minute break while asking those scheduled for an interview be respectful and courteous to the interviewers. Asking Naruto questions first, I waited next to Sasuke for my turn. As it turns out Naruto probably spoke only about himself, so Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon moved on, and went to Sasuke next. While I waited my turn.


Sasuke's point of view.

"Tell me about Mito Uzumaki, she's a Kunoichi who I really look up too. She's got what it takes to be a top female ninja." I smirked, thinking about all the times Mito showed up Naruto and myself on missions, "Well, she's the captain of our squad and makes sure all our plans and missions don't end in disaster but don't let Naruto say different, he'd just mix you up on whats fact and fiction." I explained and Moegi giggled.

"What about Sakura Haruno? She's said to be a close second to Mito in both brains and beauty." I shrugged, "I wouldn't know, I don't look at Sakura that way other than as a teammate. But yes, in terms of intelligence she is smarter than Naruto that's for sure." I could hear Naruto yelling at me in the background but I ignored him. "What about Naruto Uzumaki? The older Uzumaki Twin and the number one knucklehead ninja?" Moegi asked next.

"I just think he a pain and is always the reason Mito gets hurt, an example would have to be when we took a mission in the land of waves, she had protected him from being hit with multiple senbon needles, or when we were picking weeds and he pulled up the herbs she took the beating for him, then while cleaning trash out of the river, he nearly fell off the waterfall and lost all his trash."

I took a breath and kept going, "Catching him over the waterfall she had dislocated her shoulder and sprained her wrist, then while dog walking just the other day she had to take his dog from him because he wanted the biggest one, and ended up in a minefield." Moegi looked worried for both Naruto and Mito, while I didn't care about the idiot, just what he was doing to his sister.

Finally finishing the interviews we assembled before the gate to enter and do the next part of the exam. "Now in the forest, you guys with have five days, where you will get a pair of scrolls to a tower at the center of the forest." Gênin muttered that it would be easy and I looked at Mito to see how she would handle that and her face was expressionless but I could see the slight furrow in her brows telling me she was already thinking up plans for this.

"Each team will be given either a Heaven Scroll or an Earth Scroll. You need to collect both before going to the tower. Otherwise, you won't be let in, or near the tower. Also, you cannot look inside the Scrolls if you do you'll regret it and will be disqualified from the test." Several Genins didn't like the sound of that and Mito seemed to just be absorbing the information like a sponge. 

"Now send one person from your team to get these papers, they are acceptance forms stating that we aren't liable for any deaths that may or will occur in the forest and then hand them into the Chûnins seated under the tent and they will give you a scroll." Anko added and Naruto paled. I rolled my eyes at him and Mito as our team Captain went and got four sheets. 

Bringing them back myself and her signed with no problems while Naruto and Sakura were a bit hesitant but they signed nonetheless. Naruto after giving Mito his paper stared up at the forest, then out of pure stupidity mimicked Anko very poorly, which angered her, even though she was smiling. Throwing a knife at Naruto too quickly for him to see, she cut his cheek.

Mito having seen this appeared in between her brother and Anko, protecting him from the Proctor who didn't even see her move, let alone us. "Touch my brother and you'll regret it." Her scary face sent chills down my spine, they had a little glaring contest before it was interrupted by a Grass Ninja who had an extremely long tongue. 

Anko drew another knife and Mito held one up herself when this nin approached suddenly, coiled in her tongue was Anko's knife the one she threw at Naruto, "I was just returning your knife." Anko looked to the Grass nin and smiled sadistically, "Oh, thank you Grass ninja, you know I recommend you only stand this close behind me if you wish to reach a premature end." 

Taking her weapon back the Grass nin reeled in her tongue and Mito looked a bit disgusted, while Naruto looked as white as a ghost from fear, "My pardon, with the sight of blood and your blade slicing through my hair, mmm-hmm, I'm afraid I just became a little excited, I meant you no harm." Looking at Mito again, I saw her hand move slightly and she let her fingertips brush the Grass nin's sleeve.  

I saw the slight glow of her mark before the Grass nin humming slightly, returned to her team while Anko passed a "Likewise." over her shoulder. I smirked at Mito then turned to Naruto and fussed over him and his idiocy. Standing at the Chunin tent we watched Mito be given our Scroll. The Heaven Scroll. Escorted to our gate the Chûnin unlocked it and opened the gate. 

"Wait for the bang." He said and stepped back, we waited five minutes before we heard the bang of the signal then we were off.

Mito Uzumaki - Naruto's twin sister. [Sasuke Uchiha Love Story]{Complete}Where stories live. Discover now