~Chapter 17~

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Third person's point of view.

It was a week before the final exam and Mito had spent most of her days' training and working out the kinks in her Wind Scar Jutsu. Now she was able to lower the destruction of her attack and multiply how many times she could use it continuously. She even tried to spice it up by adding in clones and her summoning jutsu. She was never brave enough to summon Tomoe, but she got along well with his 13 sons and daughters.

The youngest Chrispin was practically raised by her. It was understandable if he was attached and affectionate with her. Some of them were a bit harder for Mito to summon because of the types of power they wielded. Tengoku(Heaven), Kukan(Void), Jikan(Time), and Seishin(Spirit) were the oldest and took much more Chakra than she had to call forth so they were her last resorts.

The others were only mildly difficult to call forth, Chrispin's sister Ongaku(Healing) was one she had bonded well with because of all the healing she needed to do while her and Naruto were growing up. Mito had summoned Tomoe once and it was probably the worst thing she could have done. He was apparently in the middle of something very important and nearly ripped her apart with his bare hands.

Tomoe, wasn't like his children he only uses his fox form in battle, so when he appeared before Mito he looked more or less human with the exceptions of Fox ears and tail that matched his long silky silver hair. His angry grey eyes were none too forgiving. She would have died by his hand if it wasn't for Chrispin and Ongaku. So she was always there when they needed her. Mito was just pulling on her clothing for the day.

She couldn't wear the same orange outfit she usually did, because the last one was shredded and could no longer be fixed, so with her saved up money from missions she went out and bought a new outfit or two a day before the exam. Knowing Kakashi-sensei and his sense of time she spent the night at home, because Sasuke wouldn't be at his place. And so when the day of the exams rolled around she got up showered and dressed.

Eating something quickly she got ready and when she was done she left her apartment and started her walk to the arena. It wasn't a long walk and smirked when she saw the looks she was getting for her new outfit. She didn't realize it was that much of an eye-opener and just kept going, though she didn't really care what the villagers thought of her anymore and just minded her own business.

She was almost mobbed by Sasuke's fangirls once or twice and had to teleport away, but it wasn't that much of a nuisance, to begin with. Finally getting to the arena, it would seem that she had taken longer than planned and had missed her brother's and Shikamaru's fight. Getting tp the field as the proctor was pulling out his pocket watch she heard Kankuro forfeit his match with Shino.

Looking to those who fought, she realized Gaara and Sasuke were the only ones to have not battled yet, counting the people there she was without an opponent again. "So you finally decided to show up, Uzumaki Mito." Mito shrugged and sighed, "It would seem I am without an opponent again, sir." he nodded knowingly. "It was decided you would fight the last person standing." She raised her brow in surprise.

"So I'm up against the person who wins this round and the one with m brother?" the Proctor nodded and Mito grinned. "Cool." Naruto looked down at his sister and gulped. He has never seen her so confident in her abilities, yes, she is strong and powerful but she was much more now, like she had an ace up her sleeve and no matter what anyone would have done she would win.

"You three are screwed, if she's like this and either you, Sasuke or Gaara have to go up against her I don't think any of you are going to win." Shikamaru said to Naruto, who simply nodded. "At least you're smart enough to know that." Shikamaru teased and Naruto yelled at him to which Shikamaru ignored. As Mito was climbing the stairs to meet up with the others Gaara was leaving to go down into the arena.

Mito Uzumaki - Naruto's twin sister. [Sasuke Uchiha Love Story]{Complete}Where stories live. Discover now