~Chapter 15~

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Mito's point of view.

I stood at the front of my team's line, Sasuke was behind me with Sakura behind him and Naruto last. Kiba stood to my right and Neji was on my left. their teams filing in behind them, and lining up with my own team. "Congratulations to you all on passing the second exam!!" Anko shouted into her headset. 

She smirked at us and I wondered what she was thinking. Kakashi-sensei stood behind Anko with several other Jonins beside him, he was looking fairly bored, and I chuckled softly. "Is there something that amuses you?" Neji asked while looking ahead. 

"It's not supposed to but I find my teacher's aloofness unnecessary amusing." I told him while also staring ahead. One row over I could see Ino gushing over Sasuke as she whispered that 'his team' made it. Turning to see him over my shoulder slightly all I saw was his worried look locked on me.

I smirked and looked back to the front. "He looks worried about you." Neji said softly. I shrugged slightly, then smiled when I saw Neji's teacher talking to mine. Only to look enraged by Kakashi-sensei's ability to ignore someone by making it look like he wasn't paying attention. 

"Something funny again?" Neji asked when I giggled softly, I shook my head and held in a flinch as my shoulder throbbed much harder than earlier, gripping it I held in the pain. Looking around I noticed the Oto-nins teacher. He was without a doubt the same man that attacked my team and bit me. 

He seemed confident in his disguise but I could see right through it. It wasn't exactly subtle. He saw me watching him and smirked but didn't do anything, looking to the Hokage I wondered if he knew that an enemy stood with him and the other Jonins.  

"Hmm, I've got a bad feeling about this." I mutter and Neji looked at me out the corner of his eye, but I kept looking forward, the Hokage smirked at us seemingly pleased by how many of us survived. Naruto from the back of our line spoke cheerfully about who was at the front with the Hokage and I smirked. 

 Breaking the long silence Anko spoke loudly into her headset. "Lord Hokage himself will explain the third exam. Listen up and take in every word he says to heart!!" she didn't need to yell we could hear her fine with the headset but she had a lot of respect for the Hokage and wanted us to understand him perfectly.

Bowing to the Hokage, she said we were all his, I smirked. All of this amusing me I looked at Kakashi-sensei and he gave me a closed-eye smile. As that was all I could see I took it as a smile and reached behind myself to take Sasuke's hand as I could sense him getting slightly worked up.  

"Very well. The third examination is about to commence...but before I go into the specifics of how it will be conducted let me make one thing perfectly clear!! It pertains to the underlying purpose of the exam." Several of the others didn't seem to catch on and the Hokage continued. 

"Why do you suppose an examination of this nature is being jointly conducted by all of the nations in our mutual alliance?" he said speaking loudly so we may be able to hear him, which is good because I didn't like Anko and her headset so him speaking without needing it was a weight off the ears. 

"'To promote friendship among allied nations and raise the level and standards in the art of the shinobi...' be very clear about what those fine-sounding phrases actually mean! These series of so-called examinations is, in fact..." he said trailing off to take a puff out of his pipe. 

I already understood what he meant and just waited till he told the others I really wanted to see how they would react to information like this, looking up from his pipe but I got impatient and said it, "A war-in-miniature between all of our allied lands." 

Mito Uzumaki - Naruto's twin sister. [Sasuke Uchiha Love Story]{Complete}Where stories live. Discover now