Chapter 5- That was fun.

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           I awoke before Wheeljack did. He was asleep on the berth nearby. I was just sitting on the couch, not really sure what to do right now. Last night was awful for me. I could still feel the tears that had dried on my face. But yet it was the first time I had been shown so much kindness. It was very overwhelming. I looked over at my Cybertronian form. My partner. I wish I wasn't stuck like this. I wish I could tell someone. But I'm not sure if anyone would understand. I wonder if Optimus meant it about coming back to check on me. I doubt it. No one ever comes back. Why do I feel like I can believe him? I must be going crazy. I get up and make my way down the stairs and over to Charger. I run my fingers over her alt mode. My alt mode. My real body. But it will never be my body again. I'm stuck in the form forever. And forever is a very long time. I trace the details of the design on her body. How the black lines against the pink. And sometimes the pink dips down into the black. Like trying to make a connection. Trying to find away in. She shines bright in the sunlight coming through the windows. She will never be able to be really alive again. I will always have to tell her what to do. She will never be able to do anything on her own. Never.

I didn't realize that Wheeljack was awake and watching me run my fingers over Charger. Trying to figure out what I was doing. But not wanting to interrupt. I stopped what I was doing. I am starting to feel eyes on me. "How long have you been wake?" I say without turning around. "Not long. Are you okay?" He asks. He got up and walks over to me. I feel him come closer to my level behind me. "I'm fine." Still not turning around. "no your not. Turn and look at me...please. If this is about last night.." I cut him off. "Just forget about last night. I had a moment of weakness. And no one should of saw that. So just forget about it. I'm fine." I finally turned and looked at him. Anger in my eyes. "I'm...sorry...I just want to help." He turned he's eyes away from mine. "I appreciate the concern. But i don't need help." I crossed my arms, now looking at the floor. "You know I used to be the same way." He caught my attention. I looked up at him. "How? You don't even know me." I tell him. "I don't need to know you. To know that you've been alone a long time. Doing everything your way. Not being told what to do. But missing having someone to talk to every once and awhile." He was right. "I used to travel across the Galaxy's. Looking for others. I was alone. For who knows how long. And whenever I came back to here I was with team prime. I didn't feel so alone anymore. It was nice. And I think you like it too. Like when you have bots here that need help."

I stared up at him. We may have different backgrounds. But we have both been alone for a long period of time. Still not sure if I believe him. But I guess I can try and give him a chance. "What do I got to do to get you to trust me?" He asked staring into my eyes. I looked away. I felt like he was looking into my very spark. "I don't know." I looked back at him. "How about we do something fun together." I look up and give him a questioning look. He shrugged at me. I don't do many fun things. I have a few but he wouldn't be able to do them. Unless he uses a holoform. Otherwise my fun is just reading a good book or watching a movie. I doubt he's gonna wanna do any of those things. "Do you have a holoform?" I ask him with a smirk on my face. He smirks back then transform into his alt mode. I watch as his driver side door opens and he steps out. Starting at his feet. He's wearing black combat boots, the top unlaced. He's got on white slim fit jeans, that cling to his long legs with an Autobot belt buckle. He had a white shirt that had a red V and green lining the inside of it. Just like his chest would when he's in his autobot form. Over that he was wearing a white leather jacket with gray accents. Moving up to his face. You could see the scars from his battles. He had a smirk on his face, he knew I was checking him out. I got to his eyes. His beautiful bright blue eyes. They look just like the blue sky. His hair had an edgy style to it. A few inches on top and it faded down the sides. I wouldn't say his hair was white but more of a silver. With some red and green highlights. I thought he was handsome in bot mode. But he his just as handsome in human form. I looked him up and down again. Then he walked up to me. Which shook me out of my daze. He put his hand under my chin and made me look up at him. He was so close to my face. I could feel him breath. And in almost a whisper. "Take a picture it will last longer." He gave me another smirk and backed up. It took me a moment to realize what he said. "You jerk!" I yelled and gave him a shove. He just laughed. He laughed so hard I thought he was gonna fall over. I turned around and crossed my arms. I could feel my face heating up from embarrass meant. I had Charger change into bot mode. Stand over Wheeljack and before he knew it. She was holding him upside down my his feet. "AHHH!" He yelled. "Okay okay. I'm sorry. Please have her put me down. Please. I'm sorry. I just was having a little fun." I turned around, arms still crossed. I looked up at her and nodded. And she dropped him. "Ow!" He said sitting up and rubbing his head.

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