Chapter 28 - Welcome home

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"Quicktrigger!" Ratchet screamed my name as he was battling Shockwave. I stood off to the side, close to the door we ran through to try and stop him. I didn't know what to do. I want to fight, but I don't know how to fight. "Quicktrigger! I could use your help." He screamed again. "How? I don't know how to fight." I yelled back. I wasn't going to lie, I was terrified to fight. "Your Sire is down their fighting, I think you can figure something out!" I covered my audio receptors, I knew what he wanted, but what could I do. Ohhh wait. "I can drive." I said aloud. As quickly as I could I transformed into my alt mode and gunned it towards Shockwave. "Get out of the way, Ratchet!" I screamed as loud as my vocalizers would let me. I watched as he rolled out of the way just in time, as my front tires smacked Shockwaves back and I rode my rear tires over him, tell I smacked back down on the metal ground. Sparks flew as my back end hit the ground hard. I could see Ratchet smiling from his spot on the ground in my rear view mirror. 

Before Shockwave could get back up, I had already spun around, and slammed on the gas. This time I drove straight towards Shockwaves chest, but before I could even think to get out of the way. He pointed his weapon at my grill and took the shot. It caused me to flip back and transform. I landed on my back, feeling the hit radiate though my back strut. Thats going to hurt in the morning. Though, for my first time transforming, it went pretty well. I tried to get back up, it took me a few but I managed to get myself in a sitting position. Then I heard the clanging of metal and blasters shooting. I watched as Bumblebee rammed his way through the entry. Starscream came through as well, but began running, I looked ahead to see what he was running to. It was the Star Saber. It was laying on the cold ground and a few feet away was Smokescreen, but he was laying on his back. Now everyone was running towards it. Who was going to get their first. 

Ratchet was battling Shockwave, though not for long. Shockwave was able to shove him off and run towards the saber. I got up and decided to try and distract so someone else could get it. I ran past Arcee who had tackled Starscream to the ground. I would of given her a thumbs up if it weren't such a dire situation. Bumblebee grabbed the sword before Shockwave could get his grabby hand on it. "Shockwave!" I screamed, making him turn his head, just in time for Bee to punch him in the optic, cracking it. Quickly as he could, Bee made his way down the Omega lock to get the sword to Optimus. I couldn't watch, to see if he will make it, a vehicon grabbed me from behind, pulling me back. I struggled against his hold, I'm not a strong bot. Then everything seems to freeze. Everybot seems to stop fighting and starts screaming. I look around and see the others looking over the opening. The vehicon lets go and I run to the edge. Just in time to see Bumblebees lifeless husk be swallowed up by the cyber matter. "No." I fell to my knees and bow my head. This can't be how it ends. 

Time stays frozen, until I watched my Sire begin to battle Megatron fiercely. Every hit he got in was fueled with anger. I knew he wouldn't let Megatron live for what he did. He got a good hit to him and Megatron fell backwards. "Sire!" I screamed as I saw Megatron reach for the dark Star Saber and whip it at Optimus. Megatron got up and walked to the edge where he was dangling, trying hard to hold on. "MEGATRON!" A voice rang out. We focused our optics to the new voice. Megatron turned and was stabbed threw his chest by the Star Saber and Bumblebee was the one who did it. I felt the smile form on my face and tears beginning to form. He is alive. "You took my voice. You will never rob anyone of anything ever again." Bumblebee said aggressively. Megatron brought up his sword, but his life was fading and he couldn't hold it. The Dark Star Saber fell out of his hand and plummeted towards Earth and Megatron was soon to follow.

Shockwave had to drag Starscream away from the Autobots, other vehicons following in suite. None of us tried to go after them, for we won. Optimus and Bumblebee climbed up the Omega Lock and onto the platform the rest of us were on. We all surrounded the heroes. "Bumblebee." Ratchet expressed. "Your voice." Arcee continued for him. Bumblebee looked at them like they were crazy. "My voice, what are you...? my voice." Bumblebee exclaimed, sliding his battle mask down, reveling his mouth. "Ratchet, I have my pipes back." He continued, hugging Ratchet tightly. "He yes. yes, we noticed." Ratchet said happily. "The cyber-Matter." Bumblebee questioned. "It is the only possible explanation." Ratchet said "It would seem the old field medic made good after all." Optimus said with pride. It was so exciting to hear Bee's voice. It sounded really familiar. Like I've heard it somewhere before. Now is not the time to ask more questions. I would ask him about it later. It was time to bring our planet back to life. 

We made our way to the bridge. On the way Ratchet decided to ask me how I got back into my real form. Sire was very happy to see me back, I was able to give him a actual hug. I explained to both of them what happened while I was aboard. When we walked onto the bridge my eyes went straight to the silver finned bot with the red and green V on his chest. He looked at me, but didn't acknowledge me, like I hoped he would. Instead he turned to Optimus, "Where's Quicktrigger?" He asked, it made me frown and hurt a little inside. Optimus turned towards me and gestured to me. I looked at Wheeljack, straight into his beautiful blue optics. "Quicktrigger? You got your body back?" He questioned walking in front of me. He reached out to me and rested his servo on my cheek. "I got my body back, Wheeljack." I could feel more tears coming to my optics and I tried hard to stop them. Before I could even think, he leaned in and planted his lips on mine. Kissing me on my real lips. His other servo came up to my cheek as well and he held me close, deepening the kiss. Then he pulled away and I couldn't help but pout.

"There will be more later. I'm sorry happy you got your body back. I'm so glad your alive. I was so worried about you." He rested his forehead against mine, both our optics closed. His servos moved down to my waist, holding me close. "I'm glad your alive, they kept telling me that you were dead." I felt the tears begin to slip. I missed him so much. "As much as I want to let you two continue, we have a planet to revive." Sire had to ruin the moment. We both giggled and Wheeljack went back to his post, flying the Nemisis. I stood next to my sire as we made it through the space bridge. "Thats our home?" I whispered, not really talking to anyone. I still don't remember what it looked like before I was sent off planet. I felt a servo land on my shoulder. I looked up to see my sire. "It's been a long time since you've been home. I'm glad your able to see it being restored." He smiled down to me. "I can't help but feel like its not my home though. I don't remember it as my home." I said nervously. I feel bad for saying it, but its true. Its not my home. "I understand, but maybe it can become your home." He squeezed my shoulder, trying to comfort me, but it didn't seem to be working.

Soon Wheeljacks voice rang throughout the ship, letting us know we had reached the Well of Allsparks. We all stood, watching as the Cyber-matter made its way into the Well. It was a beautiful site to watch. The blue glow of the Cyber-matter soon disappeared from view. It was still dark for a few seconds, tell the planet began to glow. Bright blue glow filled our home. The fallen planet was now coming back to life and I was able to see it. I'm so happy that I ran Wheeljack and gave him a hard kiss, surprising him, but he soon kissed back. I jumped for joy, a huge smile on my face plate. "Are you happy your home is back?" I asked Wheeljack. He looked at me in confusion. "You mean our home?" "I don't remember it ever being my home. Earth is my home." He seemed upset by this, but it didn't last long. "Yes I'm happy its back to life and I'm even more happy you got to be here with me to see it."  

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