Chapter 14- Captured

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"About 20 year ago I was captured by MECH.  The first thing I remember waking up to..." I started

Pain...So much pain. I've never felt so much. I don't understand why this is happening to me. Where am I? Why can't I see anything? AHHHHHHH! More pain. I can't even tell where it is coming from. My whole frame hurts. I want to scream. But nothing is coming out. Why? What is going on?

My optics slowly start to come online. Its so bright in this place. All I see so far is a black-gray ceiling, and a white light dangling  over me. I try and move my helm. trying to look around me. Take in the area. I still can't seem to move. I realize I  can't feel anything. My servos, my peds, my frame in general. I can't move anything. I'm starting to panic. I want to get out of this now! Why can't I? AHHHHHH! The pain is unbearable. I still can't seem to speak yet either. My mind is running wild. 

I'm starting to hear voices now. I don't know where they are coming from. But they are getting louder now. My audio receptors are coming online. It seems my body is starting to wake up. Everything hurts so much. I still can't seem to figure out why. Maybe it has something to do with the voices i'm hearing. The voices are mechs. Was I captured by Decepticons?  That would make the most sense. I know Autobots would never do this. At least I'd hope not. I've never met an Autobot.

"Oh look, it's waking up." I hear a mech voice say. Whatever I'm laying on starts to tilt up. The gears grind together, My weight is making it hard for it to tilt. I slowly start to see green screens lighting up the room. Then I start to see humans...lots of them. All are wearing black and have black masks over their faces. Half of them are holding weapons and they are pointed at me. What can I do? I'm strapped down and can barely move, cause of all the pain I'm in. Why are these humans doing this to me. I am able to move my head back and forth now. I look around my surrounding. The room is dark besides the one light that is dangling above me. "I see you are getting some movement back." Says a mech, I mean human. I look towards the sound of the voice. He is standing in the middle of all the men. Right in front of the green screens, I noticed some schematics of my body on the screen. The man is the only one not wearing a mask. He had short gray hair. His head seemed larger than all the other humans here. He had 2 scars on his helm. One on the top left side of his helm, the second one went right across his enstril. He was the scariest human I have ever seen. He stood tall and proud. His arms were behind his back. 

"Welcome to the land of the living." He said. I don't understand. I didn't die, I can't come back if I died. He saw the confusion in my face. But doesn't say anything. I'm to afraid to speak. "My name is Silas, leader of M.E.C.H." He continues to speak. He acts as if i'm supposed to know what MECH is. "we seek to create a newer world order by applying a cutting-edge technology."  Its like he read my mind. "We have never encountered a type of technology such as you. So you are going to give us the information we want. As well as we will break you down, piece by piece to see how you tick." He said. He acted as if this is an everyday occurrence for him. But for all I know it could be. "First order of business. What are you?" He is staring at me. Straight into my optics. As much pain that is going though my body right now, him staring at me was the worst pain I have ever felt. I haven't really had much contact with humans. but this one...This one is different. 

Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. I had no idea of time. I eventually stopped counting days.

I was a caged animal. I became very weak. To the point where it was difficult to open my optics. I tried to tell them I needed energon. I tried to explain what it was and why I needed it. It seemed to confuse them. They never heard of it before. I don't think they cared either. It had gotten to the point where if I didn't get energon soon, I was going to offline. My wounds that were inflicted upon me, weren't healing anymore. I've lost to much. I decided that I had to do use my holoform to try and sneak out and find some. The bars on my cell were just big enough that my holoform could sneak though. I don't have much time or energy. I have to be as quick as possible. 

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