Chapter 3- Not my idea

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We started down the back roads. Me leading the way. We have been driving for over an hour now. And we still got a few more to go. Wheeljack is very impatient. Almost every half hour he is asking if we are there yet. And when I say no, he does an angry grunt at me. It's not my fault his ship crashed. And it's not my fault he needs a part that's hours away. I'm just trying to help. Why can't he fucking see that. It makes me so frustrated. I start to hear static coming from Wheeljack. "What's going on back there?" I yell back to him. "I think someone is trying to get in contact with me" he yells back. "Wheeljack...come in Wheeljack...Rachet to Wheeljack....please come in." I hear someone say. His supposed name is Rachet. Hmmm interesting. I knew once we got passed my shield something like this would happen.

"Wheeljack here...and don't worry I'm safe." He says back. "Thank the allspark. We have been trying to get ahold of you for the past few days. Where are you? We will bridge you back." "No need for that. I got to get my ship fixed then I will head to you guys." "Jackie" this is a new voice. "What happened? Do you need help?" "Hey Bulk. No I'm good. It's a long story. I'll tell you all about it when I get there." "How long will that be?" Rachet was back. "Shelby! How long tell you think we will be done?" He yells up to me. "Wait there's a human with you. Seriously Wheeljack. Do you not get the concept of robot in disguise?" "Doc. Calm down. I'm with a human and another bot. She's a neutral. She's helped me out after I crashed and is helping me with my ship." I smile to myself. Hearing him say that feels good. "Don't call me Doc!! And how come I can't read her signature? Optimus is going to want to meet her." "I don't think she will want to meet him. She's been on her own for while. Bringing her to meet him might be a lot. No offense Shelby." Totally ignoring the other question about me not being able to be seen. "None taken. Your ship should be ready to go by tomorrow morning. Then you can head back to your team. I would like to stay out of this. If possible." I say trying to sound confident. I'm not sure if I'm ready to meet a Prime. It's been far to long since I've talk to anyone of such high authority. "Then Optimus will come to you. He's not gonna take no for an answer. You should know this Wheeljack." I hear him sigh. "I will talk to her about it. But for now. Not yet." He says "Sorry about that. They can be pretty persistent." He must of ended the call. "It's okay. Let's just get your part and get back." I say to him.

Soon we arrive to out destination. But before we can get the part. I see some odd signatures showing up on my computer. "Wheeljack I thought you told them not to come." I say stepping out of the vehicle. I have Charger transform and watch Wheeljack transform. "I did. They shouldn't be coming." Then why am I seeing 5 signatures moving fast this way on my screen." I look up at him. I've never seen this before. "Decepticons" he growls. "Hide! I'll hold them off." He whips out two katanas from behind his back and shields his face. Charger and I rush into the shielded area. They won't be able to find us in there. They probably saw Wheeljack's signal. I can hear the cons land and them start to fight. If they are talking I don't hear it. I hear a sound I have never heard of come from near the shield. And then the sound of large footsteps coming from out of no where. I want to see who it is and what's going on. But I'm to scared to come out. I'm not a fighter and I don't plan on ever becoming one.

"Shelby, Charger you can come out now." I hear Wheeljack say. I can hear other voices. "Your not alone." I yell to him. "It's okay you don't need to be scared. They are my friends. They just came to help." I think about what he says. I'm still not sure if I should. "Shelby?" He asks. He's close to me. But can't see me. I walk out if the ship I am hiding in. I know he can't see me but I see him. He's looking for me. He knows I'm in this area but doesn't know where. He has worry in his eyes. He doesn't even realize he's looking right at me. "Shelby please come out. I can't see you and I don't like it." He says to me. I look around him and see the others. I see a femme, must be the only one. She's the smallest, with a blue body and pink highlights. The one next to her is huge and bulky and green. Must be the other wrecker Wheeljack told me about. Then there is a smaller yellow and black bot. He looks very young. Then there's a white and orange one. He looks mean and grumpy. The last one had to be Optimus Prime. The tallest one of them. Blue and red body. I used to be those colors, but with black as well. I had to change them when I landed. So I couldn't be recognized. They didn't seem to be dangerous.

I walk out, Charger following me. I have her pick me up and walk me over to Wheeljack. I gave him a small glare. "It wasn't my idea. They just came to help." He puts his servos up defending himself. "But since they are here let me introduce. This is Arcee, my buddy Bulk, Bumblebee, our medic Rachet, and last but not least Optimus Prime. Team this is Shelby and her partner Charger." "Hi" that's all I can muster out. "Hello Shelby and Charger." Optimus Prime came up to shake our hands. I shook his digit. He gazed at me for a moment. As like he was trying to remember if he new us or not. Then he shook himself out of his daze and said "I would like you two to join us at our base and we can talk there." "No I don't think that's a good idea. Im...we are neutral to the war. We want no part. And we need to get back home." I stare at the ground. Optimus gave me a questioning look. I don't exactly want to explain my whole back story. It's none of their business. He looks at Charger like he is about to talk to her. "She doesn't talk. You want to talk you talk to me." I say quickly. "Alright. Is there are reason for that?" He asks looking confused. I sigh. Clearly he wants to have answers. "We have a long drive back to my home. We can talk there." I say. I have Charger turn into her vehicle mode and I hopped in. "We could take the ground bridge if you just give us the coordinates." Optimus offered. "Um I'd rather drive. If that is okay with you?" I say. He nods and they all transforms. I start driving. Wheeljack is right behind me, followed by the others.

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