Chapter 12- Secrets coming out part 1

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I'm still pondering in my head tell I notice Wheeljack had gone back into his bipedal form. The first thought to my head was if he was leaving. He just got here. He can't leave yet. What am I saying its none of my business if he chooses to leave or stay. I look up at him, giving him a curious look. "What? It gets uncomfortable staying in holoform for to long." He states looking back at me. Boy, do I know how you feel. At least you can go back and forth, I think to myself. "I guess I can see that." I say trying to act understanding. I mean I do understand, but I haven't been in my bipedal mode in so long, I don't even remember what it feels like to be uncomfortable in my holoform. I walk the bike back over to the side of the shop. After putting the tarp over, Wheeljack and I walk back inside the shop. I have Charger transform into her bipedal mode. "So where do you hide your Energon?" Wheeljack asked me getting down closer to my level. I was so hoping he would of forgotten. What am i saying? If you need Energon, you don't forget.

"Um yeah, let me go get you some, but can you wait outside. I'm not ready to show where i stash it." He nodded, seeming to understand. I have Charger walk with me, seeing as i'm going to need her to pick up one of the bigger cylinders of Energon for Wheeljack. I go over to the other side of the shop and flick the switch. I watch the cylinder like elevator rise up. I step in and it takes me down. Once I get down I open up the top floor so I can have Charger lift some energon up. I have her grab one that is ready and climb up her hand as well to be taken up. I jump down off her hand as she gets above the ground. I keep her turned around, not to let Wheeljack see just yet.

I start to walk out to him to let him know I have the Engergon. But I hear him talking to someone. "...Understood, send the coordinates. I'm still at Shelby and Chargers place." He said. He took his hand off his comm link. I stood just behind him. I didn't want him to leave. I don't know why I don't. I wish I knew. I coughed, to get him to notice I was near. He turned around and looked down at me. "That Energon will have to wait, I have to go be back up for Prime." he kneeled down in front of me. "Oh okay. Well go save the day then. " I say to him trying to lighten the mood. "I'll be back soon, I promise." He says, taking his digit and removes a strand of hair that was in front of my face. He then starts his walk over to his ship. Before stepping onto his ship, he takes one last look at me. Giving me a small smile, then he walks into his ship. I watch as it starts to take off. And I keep staring tell I can't see it anymore.

I immediately walk over to Charger and have her put the energon back down in the storage unit. Part of me was thankful that Wheeljack had to leave. My secret is still safe...for now. What will I do if this happens again. I should try and find a way to make the synthetic energon look like normal energon. I am not sure how I will be able to do that. I would need to do a lot of research. I need to get this figured out as soon as possible. I don't have much time to do that. I start to pace back and forth, questioning myself. I have never been so worried about something. Well besides when I was captured. I shiver at the thought of it.

Soon the sun starts to set. I am still pacing back and forth. If I were in my bipedal mode, I might have caused wear in the floor. Wheeljack still hasn't come back either. I'm sure he got busy with the others and forgotten all about me. Like I always am. I have over thought myself. My mind has gone into a depression. One that i'm not sure how to get out of. I stop pacing and look outside. the sun is behind the woods now. I feel as though I should go recharge. I have Charger transforms into her alt mode and I crawl in. I don't have the energy to go up to the berthroom. I toss and turn in my alt mode. I'm not sure I will be able to go into recharge. But soon enough, It starts to consume me.

*Flash back*

I was driving, I don't know where, just driving. I know I need energon. But I don't know where to find it. I know how to make it. The formula was given to me. By who, I do not know. I just know it. It feels as if it's been burned into my processer. I can't get it to stay in the back of my mind. It's like it wants to me to use it. To make the synthetic energon. But I don't have anywhere to make it. I might of been able to create at a way of making it, if I had some cybertronian tech. But I had to leave my stasis pod and destroy it. As humans we're starting to form around the area I was hiding in. Maybe if I could find a downed ship. Something, anything would help me at this point. I don't even know if other cybertronian's have landed in this planet. I haven't seen anyone since I got here. And that was who knows how long ago.

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